I was actually born in Ghana (mixed race), but left in 1984. In between 1984 and 2009, i was visiting Accra on holiday (maximum 2weeks at one particular time). Earlier this year i decided on relocating to Accra. Having lived and worked in UK, Germany and Netherlands..Indeed, there is a huge dfference in everything. The first couple of months were the most difficult for me, trying to adjust. We are so spoilt in the western world, i must admit. A typical example is myself- i couldn´t live without technology- namely internet!! And in Ghana, a basic thing like electricity is not in place. Well, sometimes it makes you appreciate life in general or look at life in a different perspective. All that said there are so many things that can be irritating and of course nice things too. There is one cultural difference i don´t get and rather annoying. The Ga´s celebrate a particular festival (can´t remember exact month) but during this period noone is allowed to play music. I mean all due respect to the Ga´s and that festival but shouldn´t that apply only to the Ga´s? Why should i stop playing my music? have nothing to do with them. And this goes on for a whole month (if i´m right). This does my head in!!