
New members of the Belize forum, introduce yourself here — 2nd quarter of 2015

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Belize forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Belize if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

P.S : The thread New members of the Belize forum, introduce yourself here – 1st quarter of 2015 continues below!

See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideConvoys thru mexicoLooking to connect with other expat familiesDating and finding love as an expat in Belizeeasy to make friends?
Renae Dineen

Hello, We are the Dineens, Terry and Renae. We are still researching which country that will move too, we have two more years and last child will be off to college. Belize is topping our list and we want to come to visit for a couple of weeks within a yr, to learn more about the culture. Love to make some new friends that can mentor us through the process


Hello, My name is David Long , I am a Vietnam veteran with a good pension. I am single and plan on moving somewhere in central America very soon. I can be ready to drive down to Belize or anywhere else in a few weeks. If you know of anyone that is planning a trip soon. Please send me an e-mail at *** . Thank You

Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : For security reasons please do not share your mail on the website.

Hi, I'm a family guy with 2 young kids and the prospect of working until we're into our 70s if current economic conditions keep up.  We don't like the idea.  We obviously wouldn't look to 'retire' in the traditional sense, but rather chase adventure and perhaps start over in newer surroundings.

We visited Belize in 2003 and expected it was a bit more developed than it was.  Some things have changed.  But it looks like a place ripe with opportunity for those with the capital and ingenuity to make it work.  Try that in America...

I've also considered Uruguay, Suriname, Guyana, and other places as well.  But I don't speak Spanish or Dutch, and some of those places are dicey.

Blah blah blah.  Basically my plan is to double pay the mortgage, invest and save what we can, live modestly, and then transition to living abroad.  And then finally make that the new home.


Welcome to the Belize Forum! You will find lots of good information here, and hopefully good advice as well. Belize is truly beautiful and unique – the “Jewel”, which I believe is an accurate description. The country is continuing to develop, with an increase in infrastructure, like road paving. In terms of investment and development potential, it probably doesn't get much better anywhere in the world. Many people on this site willing to give advice and opinions, some of which you might consider, in addition to your own personal experiences. Good luck with your quest, regardless of where you end up.


My name is Penny. I will be retiring in 5 yrs. and now looking very seriously into Belize. Not sure which district I would like but, corozal and cayo are serious contenders! If anyone can share their experiences of the district you live in...pros /cons....would be most helpful.
I want to make this fantasy a truth....and answers I hope I can get here with all you lovely people...
thank you


We visited each district before deciding which area we loved best.  Problem was , we liked them all, being so different, there were aspects of each that we wanted.

San Ignacio was great with access to the wonderful markets, the Mayan ruins, the rivers and farmland.  Great restaurants, shopping and small town feel.

Corozal seemed much smaller and more remote for what we were looking for.  I do know there are lots of expats in the area and several great developments.  Depending on your price range, Orchid Bay is an upcoming development that is beautiful and great beaches.

Ambergris Caye is the busiest with high tourist months, but we loved the island, the people, shops, markets, everything within walking distance, or bike, golf cart.  We choose a condo here and it's working out great for us.  We rent it out when we aren't there and it works out really well.

So, you will definitely have lots of options, just depends on what you are looking for......beach front, jungle, farmland, river, etc.
Visit, check them all out before deciding and best of luck.
We love it!


thank you mommy2 for your quick response! I appreciate any feedback anyone can shed for me....
thanx again


Hello everyone! I am in the planning stage of moving to Belize. My goal is to move there and open a spa. Any advice?


:) Belize is the right place for u especially San Pedro.


:)  My best Advice to u is when you come to Belize go and seek a residence at San Pedro Ambergris Caye and carry out your plans.It's a Guarantee you'll like the environment your in,sandy n pretty beaches with natures natural beauty on the island.I use to live there so i know the place quite well.I'd like to show you around in Belize once i get the oppurtunity to do so.


i]:)  My best Advice to u is when you come to Belize go and seek a residence at San Pedro Ambergris Caye and carry out your plans.It's a Guarantee you'll like the environment your in,sandy n pretty beaches with natures natural beauty on the island.I use to live there so i know the place quite well.I'd like to show you around in Belize once i get the oppurtunity to do so.


Hello! My husband and I are planning to move to Belize in the very near future. We haven't set a date yet but we would love to be down there within the next two months. We have tons of questions. We want to live in the San Ignacio area if we can. At least start out there until we travel around and look at all the different places. We have never been there. So it will be all new to us.


that is what I did last week, traveled all over Belize after driving down from US. I am now in san Ignatio trying to find the right place to rent for 6 months . If you wish look me up on FB and see all my recent posts . David Long    ***, I had a great time

Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : For security reasons please do not share your personal contact number on the website.

Hey mom2

Just curious, I never see a "condo" fee in any prices....are the condo fees high or basically low like the taxes?


We looked at several condos and the fees all vary...depending on cost of condo.   We saw 150-500$ ...


hola hello you are in Belize and I want to travel to that country but want to know the cost of the basic basket and job opportunities can you help ?


Hi everyone,
I am new on this forum, and new to the serious consideration of moving to Belize.    I am going to give everyone a backround and my mission, and will try to be as brief as possible, so bear with me, please.
I am a self employed chef who is originally from New Orleans.   I have a degree in radiology, but decided to live my dream, and went to culinary school at the age of 30.    I opened a succesful upscale take out business in New Orleans in 1997.   I lost everything in 2005 as a result of Hurricane Katrina ( including almost losing my sanity ).  A client who lived in Wine Country, CA. contacted me to hear of my state of mind and the state of my home/business and city.  She flew me there for a week, and I loved it so I moved there in 2006.    I had gone through all of my savings and everything I owned was gone.   Here is the link to a blog I wrote about it:
   I was a private chef in wine country-  cooking private dinners, lunch, brunch and doing cooking classes for people who were staying in luxury vacation villas.   It was great, but the cost of living never allowed me to financially recover.   I am grateful for the time there, as I was voted one of the top 10 private chefs in the SF Bay Area.  I learned so much personally and professionally, and I don't regret one moment.    After 8 years, I moved to the Gulf Coast of FL ( November, 2014 ).   I heard the food scene was up and moving fast in Tampa/St. Pete, so I thought I'd strike while it was hot and bring my NOLA and Napa experience.   I've found that what I have does not work here, and there is no market for me.    I started marketing cooking classes in New Orleans, and I've been flying back once a month to teach a variety of sold out classes.    Part of me has thought about moving back, and I may do that anyway until I decide if Belize is a good fit.  It's sure better than FL.
SO....that's my story and I'm writing this because I am basically tired of the whole scene and game of starting over in places where there is lots of challenges etc.   I am not running away from anything,  I just feel like I want a slower pace of life, and to be on the beach.   
I would still like to cook and I need a steady stream of income.   I just have to find the place that is right.  I have never financially recovered from Hurricane Katrina, ( like many ), and wherever I go,  I plan to do a kickstarter campaign to help me achieve the goal of starting a really cool small food business there. I am also in the process of writing a cookbook and getting ready to publish an e book to start.     I don't know where to go in Belize, but it seems like maybe I should try Ambergris Caye.
Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.    I am looking for a laid back and great community for work and for fun and relaxation.     I've told my staff for years " If no one hears from me anymore, I've left the country, and am renting jet skis, catching fish and cooking them and drinking rum"
I was not kidding and I'm still not kidding.  It's just time to start acting on it.   
Thanks for reading my long post,

deborah martun

I am married woman with three kids looking for a fresh start in belize my husband is an auto mechanic . can anyone there can give me some advice about living in Belize and working situation schools


We'll be expats beginning in November this year.  We are waiting for the deed to 20 acres which we plan to subdivide and sell.  It is a challenge to get a deed in Belize but we have recently met a Belizean who is assisting us with the process.  Unlike Mexico you can actually own land in Belize.  We are on the Hummingbird Highway which in our opinion is the best place to be as we have the jungle and farm land but Belmopan and Dangriga are in driving distance.  We are in the process of building a house out of hardwood, a two story octagon actually.  Its posted on facebook at munchkin and shoes adventures if you are inclined to have a look.


Good Day everyone!   My husband and I are both in our 60's and will be in Corozal June 17th till the morning of the 29th, staying at the Seabreeze.  We're coming with an open mind, yet high hopes of loving it for relocation there.  We live in Nevada and are just tired of the desert.  We're very laid back people, stay to ourselves a lot, yet enjoy an evening with friends.  Looking forward to having some drinks and conversation with new friends. 

Hope to see many of you soon!


If you don't have to be in San Ignacio I know of semi furnished apartments available in the center of Belmopan which is a good jumping off point for anywhere you want to go in Belize.  The units are approx. 1000 sq feet with cable included and have a washer dryer as well as fridge, stove, etc.  You pay only for electric and your own propane.   We have stayed in the building three times now.  If you are interested call Juanita Guzman at ** and tell them Jude and Gary sent you.  Good luck.

Moderated by Gavind 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal contact details on the forum for security measures.

Hello Rokuji,

May i know who is David ? I can't seem to find him through this thread.

Furthermore, this thread is solely for the introduction of new members on the Belize forum. We might just stick to that so as to keep the thread neat.

Rokuji wrote:

If you don't have to be in San Ignacio I know of semi furnished apartments available in the center of Belmopan which is a good jumping off point for anywhere you want to go in Belize.  The units are approx. 1000 sq feet with cable included and have a washer dryer as well as fridge, stove, etc.  You pay only for electric and your own propane.   We have stayed in the building three times now.  If you are interested call Juanita Guzman at 501-669-1547 and tell them Jude and Gary sent you.  Good luck.

Best of luck,
Bhavna  ;)


Hi Gang.

I am moving to Belize. Will be buying a small business there. Won't make much dough, but I hope to support myself. Have a little savings. Not a lot after this divorce, but lots of energy. Have always been an entrepreneur. Have been in the food industry my whole career but have done a number of other interesting things. Owned and art gallery and a yoga studio and an alpaca ranch, to name a few.

Interested in meeting other business people who want to have fun at making a living and doing good stuff while we're at it.





Hi Penny.  My name is Ginny,  I am retired and have been going to Belize for several years.  Have you been there yet? I am currently booked for 3 months -Jan. Feb & March of 2016 in Corozol to check out everything.  Where is LaSalle, Ontario?  I love most of Belize and have travelled from one end to the other -  Only 178 miles but takes awhile.  Please let me know when you plan your trip and maybe we can get in touch.  I am looking forward to meeting people from Canada and US when I am there.  Hope to hear from you


Hi Ginny,
No I have not yet been there....probably in a few years...
I see you about 3.5 hrs from me. I live in Lasalle, outside of windsor. so where have you been in belize? Can't wait to hear all about your journey in Corozol....Have a great trip!

G & J 19

Does anyone know of a car rental in Corozal?


Hello All!

I am new to the forum. My husband and I are both full-time professionals looking to simplify our lives and make a big change by selling off our good and moving somewhere with a slower pace of life.

We hope to invest in a business (buy an existing business) and start a new life so we have been on the lookout for sometime now.

Our main criteria:
English Speaking Country
Pet friendly immigration policies
Safe/Stable Economy
Friendly Locals and Expats

Belize seems to fit the bill on all points and there are several interesting business options we are looking into.

I generally plan to use the forum to find people with first hand experience and for a sounding board for my research highlights.

I look forward to talking with you all more in the future!

Kind Regards,



Curious if you have already found a business to buy/invest in or if you are in the process still?

My husband and I are looking to do something similar (though in the day tour/adventure) and have had trouble navigating the abundance of sites claiming to buy/sell business across Central America and the Caribbean. We have used with some success, but curious if you have any recommendations to browse existing businesses for sale in this region of the world.

Thanks for your time and help - good luck to you and congratulations on dreaming big!



Well Maria, I think you should give it a try. The only thing that seems to be holding you back is you. I'm a bit apprehensive too. So what I do when I feel this way is to attack my fear and move forward. Always leave yourself an exit door, in case you change your mind or another great opportunity should present itself. I don't know where moving to Belize is going to take me, and I never will know where I'll be unless I take the chance. It's up to you. Happy trails. See you in Belize.


I'm wanting to move where the weather is warm. Since my injury, cold weather renders me helpless......can't move, can't function. I'm in between States, TX and MN. Moving from MN to TX. The weather and barometric pressures help with my pain issues. Besides I need to stretch my finances as far as I can. The US is regressing, and I rather not be a part of that. South America was on my watch list, but living in Belize will allow me the opportunity of being able to make a trip to yet another country. So here I come, Belize. Yeah!


Hi everybody,

Can we please use this thread only to introduce ourselves please? Like it is stated in the first post? :)

If you have questions or you wish to exchange information on a particular subject, i invite you to create a new thread on the Belize forum please.


Priscilla  :cheers:


Deborah Martin.

My name is Larry. I too am a repair tech. I am waiting completion of a purchase. I don't know much about Belize, except that I found the natural habitat to be beautiful and serene. I maybe looking to do some repairs, not that I'm looking for work, but it's something I am passionate about.

Glad to meet you all, and good luck.



Hello Dineens,

I just joined, but had to message a hello to you because I have lots of family living in the little town of McKinney, Tx.
Good luck on your trip.




I invite you to follow this topic on this new thread:



Articles to help you in your expat project in Belize

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