
Do we need passports?

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Sorry in advanced... Don't know how the site works yet... I have a question though... We want to take a trip to Namibia in the next month or so... Do we need passports? And how long can one stay? Also,  if Traveling by vehicle... How is the border posts?

See also

Living in Namibia: the expat guideWant to move in NamimbiaDomicile ApplicationsApplication for domicileReplacement Birth Certificate
Miles Dray

Having just returned from Namibia last month ...Yes you need valid passports, and adviseable to take all vehicle registration papers or copy thereof. There is a vehicle road tax payable (we paid N$ 220 for 3 weeks). Have your drivers liscence always as they do have police check points occasionally. Borders were easy with the politest customs officials we've ever dealt with. Most borders operate 7am to 12pm, with major borders being open 24/7. Just check them out. Max Holiday duration is 3 months. Roads are good to very good unless you choose specific 4x4 routes. Tar roads between major centers, but gravel roads are good with continual grading maintenance being done. Maps 4 Africa travel map proved most informative. Good luck and enjoy.


Hello Peepsboss,

Welcome to :)

I created a new thread with your messages on the Namibia forum for a better visibility and interaction.

Shaazia Team