
Visiting Languedoc late September

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My wife and I will be visiting Languedoc from September 26-October 1. While the likelihood of our eventually moving to the area is admittedly not very great, we would at least like to entertain the possibility.
We're looking for some advice as to where we should spend time, both as tourists and as potential homeowners.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
--Peter Landis

See also

How to Get Your Sport On in FranceGun Ownership & Shooting in FranceGardener near Le Poujol sur OrbApproaching retirement age and thinking of relocating to NarbonneEnglish speakers in Cap d'Agde


I could help with Roussillon but I don't know much about Languedoc. Maybe you should visit Nimes, Aimargues, Montpellier and small cities around there ?


A little more info would help - villages, towns, all-night clubbing, mountaineering?

For moving here do you want to work, live among expats, avoid expats?

Googling Roussillon Tourism will help.



Carcassonne is a must-see too


Thanks Julien and Ian.
Nightclubbing is probably not in our future. We were doing that back when Studio 54 was a new hotspot. For us, a nightclub is a nightclub is a nightclub...
Small towns or villages with interesting markets, shops and people are more our speed (we're both 61). We both enjoy traveling because of the new experiences it provides. Carcassonne, Montpellier, Beziers and less traveled spots are among the towns we'll try to visit in our brief time in the area.
As to relocating...IF we were to relocate, it would be as retirees, not looking for work.
As to whether we would look to avoid expats...not at all, so long as they're respectful of the country, region and town they inhabit. We've met too many people who try to replicate the place they left.
Thanks again. Any further suggestions would be most welcome!


Thanks, loulou!
We're staying in Bize-Minervois, which seems to be in a fairly central spot to reach the places we plan to see. Roquebrun appears to be just a short drive.
Unfortunately, we'll have only 5 days (27th Sept. to 1 Oct.) to visit, and we won't arrive until Sunday afternoon, so we'll miss the market at Saint Chinian. Tant pis!
And...I've enjoyed reading your blog.

L'Herault Art

If you are looking for a quiet village life but with easy access (1 to 2 hrs max) to the sea and major towns then Pézenas, Clermont L'Herault and surrounds are well worth looking at.

Best of both worlds.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Languedoc Roussillon

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