
Norwegian Courses

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I am an expact too, moved to Norway 9 years ago.
I thought some of you would be interested in getting info about Norwegian courses. I would like to recomend one school that has different types of courses, day -evening and weekend courses. They are on Karl Johansgt.8 in Oslo. The name of the school is Alfa Skolen. At the moment there is a "tilbud" so it is worth.
They have both short courses as well as semester courses. There is a new course starting for those who want to take Bergens test soon.



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Living in Oslo: the expat guideLife After Norwegian University?British ImportsLawyer with International Family Law experiencePolice record from Jamaica for family immigration

Sounds awfully like an advertisement to me.

You can also contact the Oslo Adult Education Centre (Oslo Kommune Voksenopplæringssenteret) on +47 23 47 00 00 to arrange for registration on a course.

I was told that it would cost 3500kr for an 8 week evening classes course of 7hrs a week  (17:30 until 21:00 for two nights a week for 8 weeks).


chk these links|SPR|||


Klaudia, you could maybe post this in Language classes in Oslo's Classifieds. We don't accept free ads in the forums.


Thank You Arlette!

I will post this message there then, but since this is a forum for foreigners living in Oslo, i guess information about the courses is needed here. I was not writing about prices or dates, it was general information abut the school that i wanted to recomend. And its good that some others came with more posts about schools too. People should be informed.
my 50cents..
But if you guys think it is in anyway offensive then no questions asked. Could you please specify what is considered as an advert here? I dont want to make the same mistake again by posting something you consider ad.



Is the semester course adequate to take a person from casually knowing maybe "fem hundre ord(er?)" to "ikke dorlig"?  I want to jump in to conversations, but I feel like I'm missing some crucial things.


Bloggy wrote:

Is the semester course adequate to take a person from casually knowing maybe "fem hundre ord(er?)" to "ikke dorlig"?  I want to jump in to conversations, but I feel like I'm missing some crucial things.

Just jump right into the conversations then!  What you feel like you're missing can be found there, too.


hi, semester course covers the whole book På vei, (norwegian A1 and A2 level) so you should absolutely be able to communicate without any problems, you will learn Past Tenses Perfectum and Preteritum as well as other gramma-things, but i would suggest - send an email to school so they can answer you with detailed plan of the course. Email is info(at)
And SCTLD (previous post) is right - try to talk even if you feel your vocabulary is stillnot there- small talks - you are in Norway - you can have "free conversation" evrywhere, ask at the bus stop few times about when the bus goes, ask people on the street "what time is it?", " how do i get to BLA BLA street?" - even if you do not understand the answer first time - you will hear it and with it learn and next time you ask you will understand more.
read what is written on the shelves in the shops, names of product, etc. it helps.


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