
about life in Ghana

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Haron koskey

Im kenyan, i wish to join you friends in Ghana to further my studies in masters education. Assist me in terms of cost of living n fees. Im an average economically.

See also

Living in Ghana: the expat guideMoving to Ghana and building a container homeCameroonian looking to relocate to GhanaAnyone interested in stand up comedy and or Spoken Word poetry?New members of the Ghana forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025

If you can find reasonable accommodation I would not expect the cost of living to be much different than Kenya.


i do not know the cost of living in Kenya, but it really depends on your standard of living. may we have an idea of your expectations? we can talk more from there.. happy 2015! ;)

Articles to help you in your expat project in Ghana

  • Shopping Ghana style
    Shopping Ghana style

    The 'profession' of street hawking is alive and well in Ghana.

  • Cosmopolitan Accra
    Cosmopolitan Accra

    The Accra I met more than a decade ago, on my arrival in Ghana was a crowded, hot humid yet dusty hive of ...

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