Ghana living expences

please let me know whether it is  manageble with a salary of 2500USD per month in Ghana? they provide accomodation, medicines and  transportation but i have to bear expences on food. mean time they are willing to provide ceedi 300, i am not sure it is per month or what ever.

Sounds OK to me - should have plenty to live on for a single person.

thanks your input.
Ghan employer is willing to pay 2500USD. Position is Maintenance engineer in wood industry.

are there any restrictions to send money to other country? whats it's policy ?
please advice me.

i could not understnad 300cedi as food allowance. how much is it in usds?

It is about $200.
I don't think there is any restriction but you should check with your employer or on the Ghana government website

If you ask me, is enough if i convert that in Ghanian CDs .i am living almost on the same amount but then i have my Indian compensation to support.3000 USD would be great to Go.

what is cost of living ACCra Ghana