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Hi guys,

I would like to play for an amatuer football team in barcelona. i played amatuer and jumior football back in scotland and think it would be a great way to get fit again and meet some new people. i found a website ( that represents an expat league and tried to post on there but for some reason my post hasn't been verified yet (posted a week ago)

does anybody play in this league or drink in any of the pubs that sponsor the teams in it? if so can you help me out? any contact numbers or email address would be great, thanks.

oh another thought was that if there is enough interest in this post maybe we could even form our own team.

let me know what you all think



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Sounds like a good idea to me, I need to do something to get a bit fitter.

If you come up with any useful numbers or anything, please let me know.

If you get enough interest on here to form a team count me in. Might be easier to form a 5-a-side team. Do they play that here?


5-a-side is called futbol sala and most state sports centres have them.  i wouldn't mind coming to the training sessions if you start them up.  good luck.


Great idea, Neil! I arrive in the city next week, so I'm unable to help with any info right now. If we're enough people, I'm definitely in on a team. I'll be there in a few days ready to play! :D Keep us posted!


Neil, any updates on this.

With the incredible cheapness of Spanish wine/beer I'm getting less fit and more flabby by the week.


Decent wine is on offer in my local supermercado for something like €1.20 a bottle... what chance do we have...?!?!:D


Hi Neil, guys!

Its been a while, but i've just now discovered this site. so is this football thing still alive? 'cos i would be very interested in it, or in a drinking session as well.:)

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