Looking for playing the piano

Hello guys,
I live here in Barcelona since a bit more than two weeks now. Back home I was playing the piano almost everyday so now I miss that a little bit. My question is if anyone of you know a place where you can play the piano. I think buying a even cheap one or just a keyboard would be a waste of monay as I am staying just for three months and in my flat at home I don't need another one. So if anyone of you knows a place where you can play even if it is a kind of a music school where you have to pay some euros, that would be great.
Looking forward to your responses and thank you very much!

Hola, Kiesel. Try asking at a local university, one that has a music department with practice rooms. I play saxophone. There is no way to use headphones with that, like with an electric guitar or keyboard. I asked at a local university -- this was in the USA -- and they told me I could use their practice rooms on weekends, as long as there were no enrolled students waiting to use one. Each room had a piano -- for voice as well as piano lessons, I guess. Plus, they are on local transit routes. Good luck!

Hola, kiesel. I hope you've found a place to play the piano. I don't know how to read bass clef for piano but I took a fancy to Nadia's Theme (The Young and The Restless) and devised a system. See the attachments in this YouTube video (sorry about the mistakes, I'm mostly a guitarist).