
arabic language


Hi, I feel v.bad when I dont understand arabic as I m a doctor and most of my patients r arab and institute to learn arabic r v. Expensive ,, if anyone help me out what to do

See also

Study in Saudi ArabiaSchools for your kids (age 3-12)Study in RiyadhPrivate Arabic tutor in Jeddahbritish curriculum school with islamic studies

Dr. Humera,

Welcome to the Arabic Club.

Since you can read and write URDU which has almost 35 % of the root words common to Arabic, your journey to learn Arabic will be a lot easier and enjoyable.

I know lots of Pakistani doctors who have been able to converse with their patients, staff and write prescriptions in Arabic with in a few months after arriving in Saudi.

I suggest you learn 'Classical' Arabic (اللغتة الفصحى) FUSHA rather than the local dialect, it will probably bring a smile on the faces of staff at the airport but this is what is useful to understand Quran and understood in gulf, from Lebanon to Morocco.

I suggest you join a course on "Learning Arabic for Urdu speakers". You are welcome to contact me at my PM, there are lots of books and sites I will be able to recommend. :top: › Languages Forum › Urdu


Hello dr.humera75

You could also try a language exchange option or find a cheap language class in your region. If you are interested with these options please place adverts in required sections :

Language Classes in Jeddah
Language Exchange in Jeddah

Kenjee Team

Hello Dr humera

U have to begin learning just the words and sentences that u will need in ur jop field and while u  communicate with patients and write down every word u were trying to say in arabic but u didnt know, because u will need it next time.. Then ur arabic level will be good gradually
Also, there r alooot of arabic learning apps and websites


there is an arabic institute beside north gate of king AbduALAZZIZ university but, i recommend to have privet teacher at home since it's same cost and save time


Kindly include the following site for " learning Arabic for Urdu speakers"

Thanks. :)


Hi doctor i can teach you and free please send your number


yeah it will be hard to continue ur daily work on this situation


Hi dr humera how r u where r u from pak nd where r u in jeddah i m also from pak nd i m in jeddah can u msgs me inbox plz


mahed wrote:

Hi dr humera how r u where r u from pak nd where r u in jeddah i m also from pak nd i m in jeddah can u msgs me inbox plz


Please note that the initial post by Dr Humera is dated over a year ago. You may thus not receive any response.
