
Paying Guest Facility in Nairobi

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I am looking for a Paying Guest Facility in Nairobi specially for Indians. i Will be staying for a long period so would like to have a economical place. I expects indian, hindu family.

Please suggest me the places.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in NairobiBuying property in KenyaLooking for interior designer to furnish new high-end AirBnbmoving to Nairobi

Hi deepak_shukla122,

Welcome to! :)

I have created a new topic as from your post on the Nairobi forum for more visibility and interaction.

You might have a look at the housing in Nairobi section and post an ad there.

Thank you.


I am indain age 38 Now in Nariobi looking  Friendship ,Dating, Seriouse Relationship with Female


Salamu wrote:

I am indain age 38 Now in Nariobi looking  Friendship ,Dating, Seriouse Relationship with Female

This forum is not a dating site. I suggest you go elsewhere.
Please read the terms and conditions of forum membership which can be found on the bottom of this page.


Try searching in the olx[dot]co[dot]ke website. All the best.


Hi Deepak,
Welcome to Nairobi here is someone I know runs PG they are Indian Kenyan.
+254 787 876188
+254 714125400
This might help in ur search. If you wish U can use my name as reference.

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