
Drinking Water

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What is the water quality here in Bahrain?
I mean what is safe to do with it? For example, we all shower in it. We wash dishes and clothes in it. We also use it to brush our teeth. But we don't drink it. So that makes me wonder - is it safe to cook with it? Is it safe to use boiled tap water for tea? Or should bottled water be used for everything?

See also

Living in Bahrain: the expat guideApply Visa Transfer Manually in LMRA Sanabis branchWhere check travel ban or immigrationTravel banLocal transfer been rejected twice- related to Public Prosecution

I use it for cooking with no problems. I filled the kettle with tap water when I first arrived with no ill effects, but didn't much enjoy the taste of the coffee afterwards, so I now use bottled water in the kettle.


I personally don't drink the tap water at all. I only use it for cooking except for soups. That is just my personal preference so the water may be safe to drink.


We have been using the tap water in the kettle and in soups. The taste has been fine, but I was just unsure if it was really safe. Thanks.


I use the hot tap on the bottle water heater/cooler for most things like tea, coffee, soups etc. Only time I use the kettle is for pasta, veg, potatoes etc when I boil the water to make the cooking time quicker.

My hair and skin has changed drastically since moving here. Hair has gone from very straight to incredibly curly. My skin has gone very dry. Beauticians say it is the level of salt in the water and to use bottled water to rinse hair - way too cold for me!!!


We use the tap water for everything except drinking and making ice cubes.  Never been ill from it - when you see the trucks they say drinking water.  Am sure it is perfectly safe.

It's all a matter of preference I guess.


From what I know tap water in Bahrain is safe to drink and for most other things. Desalinated water is blended with ground water, and this blend is what is delivered to our homes. Just to be sure, make sure you boil the water before drinking if you choose to do so. Never know how clean and safe the delivery network is :)

I drink bottled water at home. But use tap water through a filter for cooking, making tea, etc. I had the filter installed in my house.


I thought this old thread was a good place to ask this....

The water in my flat has started to smell and taste badly. It is very strange, as it only affects the bedroom bathrooms and not the kitchen or hall bathrooms. It is a smell I can't explain. It isn't like sewage. It is kind of metallic and just unpleasant. It used to taste salty, but now it just tastes bad. It is still clear though.

The maintenance people at my building are worthless so unless I can figure out the issue first and tell them exactly what to fix myself they just say all looks ok and to let them know if it doesn't get better on its own. Therefore, I'm looking for ideas. To start with I'd like to have the water tested. I'd like to know just what's in it and how safe (or unsafe!) it might be. Are there any labs that I could take a sample to and have it checked?



I have never thought of testing water here so I do not know. So leave that part to more experienced members.

As for the taste, it probably has something to do with the plumbing leading to the bedroom bathroom, especially since you say water in others parts of your home is fine. Can your maintenance team take a look at this and maybe change it?


Hey Farhaz.

I was away for a couple of weeks and this smelly water is what I came back to. At first I though tit was the drains and they just needed to have some water flow through them. But it isn't the drains at all. It is the water itself. And it is day 3 now and it still stinks. My building is basically brand new so it is strange that the pipes could have developed a problem like this already. Unfortunately the maintenance team is not very good either. Of course they can look at it, but that is about it. They look and say everything looks ok. They also like to say that no one else is complaining of such issues so it must not be a real problem and to let them know if it isn't better in a few days.


Hi Stakan.
Hope you had a lovely holiday!
You will be surprised how many problems "new" buildings can have. I have seen this happen time and again. I wouldn't be surprised if the plumbing has corroded. Or there must be something stuck in the plumbing that has now begun to rust/decay(?). Maintenance teams are way below standard here, unfortunately. Most of them are not even trained properly in their respective lines of work before getting to Bahrain. You just need to keep pushing them. Get them in and let them see the difference in smell/taste in the different parts of your house.


The thought had occurred to me that something could be decaying in somewhere in there, but I quickly forced it out of my mind. Thanks for bringing it back!

If I found that a rat or something was decaying in there and I've showered in this water and brushed my teeth with it, then I think I will be sick!


LoL - sorry for ruining your shower. I really don't know when not to say something  :dumbom:


Maybe you can try getting in touch with Ministry of Health or Ministry of Housing for advice? There are also lots of phone numbers for government offices on the Ministry of Municipalities website.


Good to hear from a fellow :))))
According to my husband its just woman drama ...but no, i felt the same strange taste with the coffee but only coffee for cooking and for tea the water is fine i hope after boiling doesnt cause any problem


I visited Bahrain last week for the first time. I drank some of the tap water without boiling it and used it to brush teeth with no problems. I also visited two of the desalination units where I learned about the water supply. It all comes via desalination, either from the sea or from brackish ground water. The tap water meets modern standards and is mildly chlorinated. It is also treated with calcium and carbon dioxide to make it like mineral water.


Yeah you can use tap water in Bahrain for drinking as well but you have to install Reverse osmosis RO water purifier to filter and change the water taste. Even though it is much better then bottled water cuz it has 4 different chemicals in it for its long life.

I have get my machine installed by Pure Bahrain water filters.

For the Shower i've shower filter installed to remove chlorine which causes hair fall in Bahrain.


U r wrong...i drankntap water n felt ill fr days...drank again n felt ill m drinking bottle water ... everything ok now


water come out from desalination plant is hygiene and can drink.
But it is better to boil, to protect bacteria and viruses in the pipe network.


I live on a compound in a house had a similar issue with a horrible smell from my washed clothes and tap water.
Checked the tank.
Found the tank cover open and the water was full of dead rotting leaves!
Check your tank!


There are a lot of different situations listed in this thread.

To assess YOUR situation you need to:

1. Know where YOUR water comes from (each city has different way to gets its water, water may come from different sources, water may be blended with different water, ...)

2. Know how it's transported to your point of usage: outside network, inside network. Each place may have a different standard in term of piping. Maybe older in some place than in others, maybe in better shape.

3. Get your water tested: minerals in tap water are inorganic meaning useless for your body as it can't use them so they clog your arteries, go into your joints, that's why people use distillers and reverse osmosis: to get pure H2O nothing else.

If your water contains chlorine then know this is a highly oxydant agent: it ages you and is a known carcinogen. Search french hypres chlorine gaz german on the web and in youtube so you see where was chlorine used first and why.

If your water contains fluoride then know it's again a very dangerous oxydant and carcinogen, check fluoride poison on tap on odysee, rumble, bitchute, ...

Whatever the quality of your tap water it's better to have it whole house filtered to remove anything useless and harmful then have a reverse osmosis filter for your drinking water: even if your water is perfectly pure as it is, what happens when some works are done on the piping network? Some dirt, chemicals, whatever enter the pipes and you got this into your bath, shower and drinking water.

Think about it.


Hello Em,

Please note that the thread is from 2014....



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