
ou s'installer avec de grands enfants

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bonjour, je m'appel David et je suis nouveau sur le forum.
je compte m'installer avec ma femme et mes enfants en République Dominicaine.
j'y suis déjà venu avec ma femme dans la région de Bayahibé lors d'un voyage touristique.
(nous avons aussi parcouru un peu la région de la Romana nous ne somme pas rester enfermé a l’hôtel)
depuis nous avons décidé de venir nous y installé.
je lis le forum depuis déjà quelques temps et je voulais remercier tous les expat pour leurs nombreux conseilles.
notre projet est mûrement réfléchi et la date du départ n'est pas encore pour tout de suite car je veux vraiment tout bien préparer.
malgré tout ce que j'ai lu sur les blogs il me reste beaucoup d'interrogation.
mes enfants auront entre 11,13,16 et 18 ans au moment de partir et je pense savoir qu'il n'y a qu'un seul lycée français a st Domingue.
ma première préoccupation est de trouver un lieux de vie
mais je voudrais vivre en extérieure de saint Domingue trop grand pour nous.
j'avais donc pensé a Boca chica.
pourriez vous me parler de Boca chica est-ce une bonne idée ou pas,
il y a t-il des transports entre Boca chica et saint Domingue pour le lycée Français?
sinon que me conseillez-vous comme lieu de résidence en sachant que je veux rester en bordure de mer pour la plongée sous marine.
voici pour mes premières questions je pense que d'autre suivront.
j'ai été un peu long désolé.

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideCONNECTING WITH CANADIAN EXPAT GROUPS VIA FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAMSeeking Business opportunity on North CoastSIM CARD SWITCHING FOR NEWBIESMoving to DR

Hi David,  while I will welcome you to the forums, I need to ask you to post in English please.  This forum is in English only.  Thanks,  if you post in English we are sure to help you!


He meant:
hello, My name is David and I am new to the forum .
I intend to settle down with my wife and children in the Dominican Republic.
I 've been here with my wife in the area of Bayahibé during a sightseeing trip .
( we also walked quite a bit of Romana we are not stay locked at the hotel )
since we decided to come and nstalled.
I read the forum for quite some time and I wanted to thank everyone for their many expat advices.
our project is well thought out and departure date is not yet for now because I really want to prepare everything .
despite what I read on the blogs I have left many questioning.
my children have between 11,13,16 and 18 at the time of leaving and I think I know that there is only one French school in st Domingo.
my first concern is to find a place to life
but I would like to live in outer St. Domingo too big for us .
so I thought to Boca Chica .
could you tell me about Boca chica is this a good idea or not ,
there he was transport between St. Domingo and Boca Chica for high school French ?
if not what do you advise me as their home knowing that I want to stay in the sea for diving .
here's to my first questions I think the other will follow.
I was a bit long sorry.


sorry, I did not pay attention need post in English.
thank you for rmulatre a faithful translation he made my post.
I setrais careful for the next post


Thank you for translating!!!!  Ok, first I am not aware of transportation from any school in Santo Domingo to Boca Chica. Commuting to and from school each day is at least an hour each way depending where the school is and traffic!

Boca Chica is NOT a place I would even consider living with children! It really is a small tourist town and some elements of this town are not good.

A better idea might be to check out areas on the outskirts of Santo Domingo.  There are some nice areas on the eastern end of the city!

I hope this helps.


thank you for your precisions, there has t he french expats with children at the French Lycée in Santo Domingo.
I wonder what they think and what place they have established to find a place in résidense Safetyand which is not too difficult for children to get al school


There are many many nice safe neighborhoods in Santo Domingo. One suggestion, contact the French embassy and ask to connect with others who use the French school, or contact the school directly.


Hi davpes76,

Je t'ecrirai en francais si tu m'envoi en message en prive, il y a un autre secteur qui pourrait aussi t'interesser.
A bientot.


Hi elcalvito,

Please post in English only on the Anglophone section of the Dominican Republic forum, for other members to read and participate. Thank you! :)



Expat-blog team.


Thanks David!


There is a French School in Las terrenas Town! Nice place to live!

Bob K

There is a large French community in the las Terrenas area. However it is on the opposite side of the country and about 5 hours from Santo Domingo.

Bob K

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