Vegetarian food in Vietnam

Hi. Any place in Vietnam I can find cheap vegetarian food?

Yes, many! Off Vo Van Tan (in the first alley after the corner of Cao Thang), there is a place called Saigon Vegan. Depending on what you mean by "cheap" this is the best of the best. It's one of my favorite restaurants in the world. On Vuong Chuoi (district 3, small road linking Dien Bien Phu and Nguyen Dinh Chu) there's 2 good cheap Com Chay places. Ngoc Tho is a great place in district 1 right off Pham Ngu Lao in one of the bigger alleys. Good luck!

You can find 'com chay' in many place with reasonable price but not too cheap!

Use the search function.

This topic has been asked many times before.
Below is just two of them.

Be aware:
1. A lot of the dishes are full of MSG and (vegetarian) fat, so not necessarily healthy.
2. Avoid those restaurants during the beginning and middle of the LUNAR months, since they are full of Vietnamese. IT is a common practice to some Vietnamese to eat vegetarian meals during those days.

Is there any vegetarian group in ? We can share information about vegetarian things. It's not easy for me to find a good vegetarian food.

I just find a blog for vegetarians in HCMC :) .I think It's useful for

granturbo wrote:

Hi. Any place in Vietnam I can find cheap vegetarian food?

This is like asking where you can buy a cell phone.  Cơm chay í ubiquitous