
2 pets to be re-homed

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maura wallace viel

1 x 6 yr queen adelaide dog, 1 x 5 and a bit old cat... both pets were dumped on my doorstep when only a few hours old, why they were dumped in the first place don't know obvious the person who did that did not want them to be sacrificed... !! however it would be nice to return the same favour and give these 2 pets a home as i do need to leave soon...
only those who are genuine please apply as i do not want further sarcastic comments coming from anyone.. all reports who have been rude and inconsiderable have been forwarded to revelant dept..  thanking you in advance and hoping to hear from a good samaratan...

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaTravelling to Malta with two dogsDog Ownership in MaltaBringing my pets to Malta need advice

i wish you the very best of luck in rehoming these pets... its hard job to do at the bets of times


Please don't send them to Malta we have enough stray dogs already!

maura wallace viel

hi there, i don't know if you were reading what i did say but i already had them dumped on my doorstep, and these days there are no stays on the streets like there were when i came to malta 8 years ago.. i had to get a local maltese who used to travel with my hubby and i to try and delete them as they were very dangerous to tourists.. however, if you can come up with a solution to rehome them it would be appreciated..


maura wallace viel wrote:

hi there, i don't know if you were reading what i did say but i already had them dumped on my doorstep, and these days there are no stays on the streets like there were when i came to malta 8 years ago.. i had to get a local maltese who used to travel with my hubby and i to try and delete them as they were very dangerous to tourists.. however, if you can come up with a solution to rehome them it would be appreciated..

I did read what you said but according to your profile you live in Belgium "Currently living in Belgium, brussles"
If you think there are no  strays in Malta  then I suggest you visit one of the animal sanctuaries as these are full of strays!
You could try Noahs Ark  animal sanctuary
They try to rehome all the dogs and do not have them put down after a certain time.


maura wallace viel

read what my first statement says the rest send me pm please and thank you... and please you are to much for us all... personnel opinions please keep to yourself on this site... we all just want genuine people to quote back and give some normal support to what our issues are..  i have been here 8 years please watch yourself...  you need  personnel guidance on new years resolution ... !!! :offtopic:



maura wallace viel wrote:

read what my first statement says the rest send me pm please and thank you... and please you are to much for us all... personnel opinions please keep to yourself on this site... we all just want genuine people to quote back and give some normal support to what our issues are..  i have been here 8 years please watch yourself...  you need  personnel guidance on new years resolution ... !!! :offtopic:



maura wallace viel wrote:

read what my first statement says the rest send me pm please and thank you... and please you are to much for us all... personnel opinions please keep to yourself on this site... we all just want genuine people to quote back and give some normal support to what our issues are..  i have been here 8 years please watch yourself...  you need  personnel guidance on new years resolution ... !!! :offtopic:

am sorry but you are out of order...... Tearnet who is a dog lover and owner offered you a a couple of viable solutions with his experiences backing them ,,,,,,. If you cannot understand that this is not the place for you,.


maura wallace viel wrote:

1 x 6 yr queen adelaide dog, 1 x 5 and a bit old cat... both pets were dumped on my doorstep when only a few hours old, why they were dumped in the first place don't know obvious the person who did that did not want them to be sacrificed... !! however it would be nice to return the same favour and give these 2 pets a home as i do need to leave soon...
only those who are genuine please apply as i do not want further sarcastic comments coming from anyone.. all reports who have been rude and inconsiderable have been forwarded to revelant dept..  thanking you in advance and hoping to hear from a good samaratan...

just where exactly are the sarcastic comments??? i dont see any..


Oh my goodness I was going to offer some advice. I don't think I will now ???????



Have you reread the tone though William, people were trying to help or am I missing something and were then accused of sarcasm.

I think this is just lost in translation really but to take such exception from people trying to help and marking an on topic reply with off topic smiley in such a manner as to be deemed rather rude (or at the very least bemusing) by several very helpful regulars then something is not quite right.

It's nice that you have offered your own view point but I think it would have been better to stick to the original moderator post.

Yes I hope this lady finds a solution to her problem soon and doesn't have to have her friend "delete" any more animals.



Sorry double post.


Dear William.
How lovely for you teaching students such a wonderful language.

I still don't think a moderator should finalise a post in such a manner as " if you're not part of the solution, (comma added) then you're part of the problem" it's a device to cut off conversation and just alienates some users, whilst remaining personal opinion.

To also finish with " no further comment needed" finalises the discussion totally. I thought we were in a fair and useful forum?

On topic and my final comment of the thread, to the OP I know of a lady in St Paul's whom rehouses animals and will talk to her today. If she can help I'll PM you the details.


havent you just done the same William the tone of the OP was not conducive to a solution but an insult to a person who wished to and did offer a solution... it wasnt in any way sarcastic and am still struggling to find the ones that supposedly were.....


and by the way william did you not feel that the Op tone comment was abusive and did you do anything about it - why are you aiming your comments at me and tearnet and not at all to the OP

Hmm very selective id say william


I am going to support all on here who have offered support, the ones who live here and know the way things are.
I also agree that comments like that from an 'expert' are not conducive to problem or conflict resolution.
In fact I would suggest it is interference for interference sake.
The tone of the initial post was aggressive or at least aggressively defensive and I too cannot see any sarcastic comments.
And why does the original poster write on here when their profile indicates that they live in Belgium?
Being such a recent contributor I would have thought that their profile would have been set up correctly unless they want to deliberately misinform us? (As is their right - of course.)


My first post was made because on reading the OP first post it seemed that it had been made on the wrong country forum.
As the posters profile says they live in Belgium and this was only there third post it was (I think ) a justified conclusion.
The OP says they have lived here for 8 years but there is no joining date so the profile is well out of date.

Any way I still don't see any sarcastic remarks on my or anyone else's posts (other than wjwoodwards ).



Did you know this thread was deleted for 'spam' reasons and then re-appeared?
I wonder why?


This interference is uncalled for and to select two substantial contributors for public censure (in correctly I may add) is out of order.
There have been NO sarcastic comments that are alleged and the original poster's tone was aggressive but no comment made about that!!!


I hadnt actually notice to be honest...

I am personally offended that we the helpers are getting chastised by a moderator who doesnt even live here...  but then how many do???? and worse still chastised us publicly  when that same person recommends reporting abuse by clicking on an icon

methinks some people houses need to be put in order first

sorry rant over,


I agree which is why I reported his post! For those reasons.


That is uncalled for and offensive! It is also based upon your assumptions which are incorrect, particularly in the light of the original thread post. I don't think you have the right to make such accusations but of course you do have the right to state your opinion.
But as I have posted elsewhere...................Storm in a teacup but....................sometimes it's best to let members sort things out for themselves.
Why don't you stick to your own area?


Deeply offensive and rather smug.

Anyways can't stop and chat I'm off for a "Brazilian"

Then I'll see about this lady to help with the dogs then tonight I'm going to a new thing to Malta a wonderful "pity party" hope my dress still fits.


guys guys guys, please calm down - you are all good people and I am sure you all could be good friends

now, what am I supposed to do with this thread ?

If solutions have already been proposed to Maura, should I just close it ?




wjwoodward wrote:

@tearnet and @toonarmy9752,

I would just like to point out that since neither of you are members of Team or Administrators it is not for either of you to say who is out of line or who isn't. If any of you find any particular post or comment abusive in any way then by all means you are free to report it by using the REPORT triangle at the top of that topic reply. What you may not do is to become abusive in any way yourself. Please read the Malta Forum Code of Conduct:

These are the rules that all members are expected to adhere to while using the forums.

Now, let's everybody take off the boxing gloves, take a deep breath and calm down here.

William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


to bring balance to this post I offer a few observations...........

you say, in a post further down: "Since English is my native tongue and I have been teaching the language for twenty-five years I don't think I had any difficulty understanding the tone of the messages whatsoever.", however in your profile you say that you have written books on "teaching English as a foreign language" (what exactly are your qualifications? - I ask only to illicit competence and understanding) Further, please allow me to enlighten those who do not fully understand the differences - I have taken the following from 'Wikipedia':

"Canadian English contains elements of British English and American English in its vocabulary, as well as many distinctive Canadianisms. In many areas, speech is influenced by French. There are notable local variations.[4] The phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon for most of Canada are similar to that of the Western and Midland regions of the United States.[4] The Canadian Great Lakes region has similarities to that of the Upper Midwest & Great Lakes region and/or Yooper dialect (in particular Michigan which has extensive cultural and economic ties with Ontario), while the phonological system of western and central Canadian English is similar in some aspects to that of the Pacific Northwest of the United States.[5]" I will not dwell on this.

I note also the following from your personal profile:

" I am quite honored that the Expat-blog has chosen me to join Expat-blog Team as Brazil & Canada Expert, to date it has been a very rewarding experience in that I know that I am helping other expats in a significant way to understand and adapt to life here in Brazil.".........surely your expertise should be co-ordinated for those most in need of your experience.

You further go on to 'admit' in your profile:

" At times some of my forum postings are a little on the controversial side or seem like I am slamming the country "

please tell this sort of behaviour condoned on other boards as it would certainly be reported here on the Malta forum.

...........and finally, the respondents to the OP's original post have been members of this forum for a considerable amount of time and their help and advice is second to none, to alienate them to the point of leaving the forum would damage the business model of this forum - I'm sure the 'founder' would have something to say about that. With that experience in mind, even I noticed a phrase oft used by a previous troublesome poster ........"please watch yourself".  The other forum members will know who I mean and pick up on this.

Like Redmik.....I too feel strongly enough about your 'heavy handed' treatment of board members here to report your post to the founder.

As they say, west of the United Kingdom, Have a nice day.




Julien, I may have a solution for her not sure yet.

As to calming down we are calm it's just a little annoying for a community ( wonderful community of Malta and Gozo) to be chastised like children by an expert who isn't even an expat here. Could we not have our own expert as William seems to spend a lot of time here giving advice ( which is his job here I understand) yet doesn't really have an understanding of Malta at all.

Anyway we have tried and still are trying to help and may have a happy ending yet  :)


Julien wrote:

guys guys guys, please calm down - you are all good people and I am sure you all could be good friends

now, what am I supposed to do with this thread ?

If solutions have already been proposed to Maura, should I just close it ?



I will take this as my 'reporting' of the post Julien. Further, I feel it is important that you leave the thread intact as there are a lot of lessons to be learned about conduct on the boards.

Kind Regards



i too had a reply to my reporting of Williams post - from Julien  to my inbox.

I say he should stick to the forums he is "expert" in if thats the right word... as by the evidence presented here to many darned good contributors who have helped hundreds of people - i would most wary.

in closing i will say this it should stay as Mike in Poulton has suggested - as am much to irate right now at WJs attitude towards us.



If it's at all relevant to the subject, would a Bachelor of Arts - English and a Bachelor of Education - English be satisfactory? A career of teaching English as a Second Language that spans 25 years?

At any rate, please do not worry... I made a grave error in becoming involved in a topic on another forum, I'm truly regretting having done so. I will not be participating on the Malta Forum again nor on the Brazil Forum, nor the Canada Forum, not as an "Expert" nor as an ordinary member. This is by choice.

Thanks all of you for your genuine concern.

William James Woodward



I'm sorry you feel like that, I'm sure you have given and continue to give extremely helpful and invaluable advice to others around the world.

Unfortunately you let your own opinion "fog" this one. Mainly by totally missing or choosing to ignore the tone of the original post.

It isn't in a mods remit to be too opinionated I'm afraid.

That said to hand in your notice this way is extreme and unnecessary and you would be a far better man when you have calmed down and looked back at the situation and decided to carry on as an expert poster.

I look forwards to reading your continuing posts yet perhaps not in the Malta section.

Kindest regards Jay.


Hello Jay,

Thanks, but at the moment I have too many other problems in my life, with health issues, immigration status, inability to find support needed in this country in order to obtain a guide-dog and a multitude of other issues to continue. It's simply not worth the effort I've put in for many years.

As I said, I made a grave error in posting my reply to the OP which was initially designed to offer support for a difficult position and choice, to ask her to consider alternatives and I got pounced on by everybody. They were obviously quite angry. Well now I am too, and I don't need it, not with everything else.

Actually, I'm in a way glad it happened since I had decided previously to step down and was persuaded to come back........... now that won't happen again. I've learned that my original decision was the one that I should have stuck to and at least that's one item in the plus column for me.

Now I can get on with looking after myself for a change instead of looking out for the interests of everybody else. Something that I haven't been doing for a very long time.

William James Woodward


The words "pram" and "toys" spring to mind!

and I'm still not sure that the OP wasn't a troll!



Looks the OP has already been banned twice from EB

this thread is closed and say good bye to the troll who correctly did her "troll job"  :(


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