
New Year's Expat Lunch in Recife? JAN-11-2014?

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Hi All!

a few of you wrote to me expressing interest in meeting foreigners in Recife, thanks for your messages! I've tried to answer, but the expat-blog site is blocking me from writing e-mails and I can only use blogs/forum! -sorry about that!

I'll be back in town briefly in January, after a few months being away due to work priorities! If anyone would like to join a "New Years Expat Lunch" on Saturday January 11th, please contact me and we'll arrange that!!

You can reply here, or write to me at

Until then, happy holidays and I wish you lots of fun in Recife!!!


See also

Living in Recife: the expat guideExpat meetings in RecifeExpats Meetings in RECIFEGood morningExpat Meeting in Recife Sept 14th?

Hi Catherine,

If you're trying to send copy & paste e-mails that's the problem. The Anti-Spam System locks out the mailboxes of members who send out several of those kind of messages.

You are permitted to send the same message to several members on your contact list simultaneously by clicking the checkbox beside the name of each intended recipient. This will avoid the copy & paste issue.

William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


Thanks a lot James!!!
I haven't been doing that (copy-pasting) and simply trying to do "replies" but it's still blocked.
The thing is that I use the site by "period" based on my travel schedule and it seems it doesn't like this variation of activities...
I'm still hoping to be unblocked soon and that folks in Recife will see my post! :)

Happy holidays and all the best!!


You should be by now..... it gets activated by posting and you now have enough. Just remember the more you participate in the forums the larger the capacity of your mailboxes becomes so that's an added bonus.



Hi Catherine!

The "New Years Expat Lunch" plan sounds great! Please count me in!


Lulu N

Count me in too! :)




Count me too! Just tell us when and where!


We did not know!


Dan and I are going to be spearheading the campaign to bring the expats in Recife together (following Catherine's Lead!)...

We will be going to a very popular Pub in Boa Viagem tomorrow evening (31st Jan)... For details please contact Dan(Cell # 9930.2628) or Ali (Cell # 9551.9993)

We look forward to meeting new and fun people! All are welcome!

Air Dario

Is there anybody out there?

I'm new in the blog and have the feeling that it's has been long time since the last appearance from all of you over here.

What do you think to organize a meeting all together? There is a small pub in boa viagem called the Gentleman loser ( What do you think to meet up for a couple of drinks?

Awaiting for any sing of life!


Hi Dario!

Yes there is life out here! that sounds like a great idea... Dan and I have been meeting up with people out here in Recife. Let us know when... This weekend I am DJing at an event called Devils Den 3 (Search on Facebook). Let me know if you want to come there.



Lulu N

Hi everyone,
Yes, there are people here!
I don't get on here anywhere near enough as I sorry for being absent.
I know there are a few of us that would like to meet up! I would too. Pass on the details guys.... (Dan, Ali, Dario). I'm happy to meet at the pub or anywhere. :)
A great idea!


Lulu & Dario,

Nice to hear from you guys! send us your contact numbers and we will add you to the WhatsApp group we use frequently... it will be easier to keep in touch. If you see the previous messages you will find our contact numbers as well.



Air Dario

Hi Lulu,
Dan, Ali and I are waiting for you and anyone else would like to join to whatsapp group. The Ali's number (the administrator of the group) is 81 9551 9993.
Talk to you soon,

Lulu N

Hey Dario
I'm not on whatsapp......but you can find me on Facebook. I'm friends with Dan on there. I'm definitely in!  I think Ali is sending me the details.
Let me know the plan.


Hi all,                                                           I will join you on Whatsapp right now and also next time you are going out.            See you, Elitsa

Lulu N

Hi guys (Ali, Dan, Dario),
I thought the outing was tonight (Saturday) mistake and I couldn't make it last night as I had plans already. However both I and my friend Elitsa (see above) are keen to meet up at the next one. Let us know.


Hi Lulu, Ali, Dário, Dayse, Katia & ekumanova,

It would probably be better for you to start up a new topic thread (maybe called "Recife meet-ups" which could constantly be bumped up to the top of the line-up as needed. I think the DATE in the title of this thread may kind of confuse people and many who might otherwise want to join in the activities may not even read the thread.

Any time you want to arrange a gathering if you want to post photos of your event here just contact me by private message and I will instruct you as to how to go about it. Nice to see that you guys are managing to meet each other, it's not such an easy task in a country the size of Brazil with expats spread so far apart.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team

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