
Looking for anyone willing to help, plan to live in Brazil someday! (:

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Hello everyone!

My name is Sidney, and I currently live in the USA.

I am just looking for someone who can help me with my dream of living in Brazil someday!

Let me give you a little information about my story. My girlfriend lives in Brazil currently, and I have been there once to see her. I loved every second of it! Brazil was a beautiful place! I plan to go there again this summer.

I would just like to know the steps and qualifications to becoming a citizen in Brazil or living there. I would assume the fastest way would be to marry my girlfriend? Any information is helpful! I just want it to be good and factual information! (: What are the requirements and qualifications? Is it hard?

Also, this won't be happening any time soon, I need to finish college here, but I just want to be prepared!

One last thing, as far as jobs go. My dream is to teach English to the Brazilian people as a career. Good choice? Hard choice? Bad choice? Any information is helpful as I said before!

I do not speak Portuguese yet, but I am in the process of learning, slowly but surely! I'm sure it is crucial to learn if I want to live there right?

Thanks to everyone and anyone who decides to help me! I appreciate more than you know! (:

Bom dia!

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideLooking for Expats in Brazil that have eco-project involvementNew to Aracaju, BrazilLooking for expats in Parana, Santa Caterina, Cascavel or CuritibaGood marketing for online business

Hi Sidney,

On behalf of the entire Expat-blog Team, welcome on board. I know you will make lots of new friends here.

If you take the time to read the postings with a 'sticky' at the top of the first Brazil Forum page you will probably get almost all of the information you're ever going to need to know about Brazil, living in or visiting the country dealing with the immigration process. Anything specific you need to know just post a new topic to ask your question.

It's one thing to spend a couple of weeks of vacation in Brazil, but quite another to move here permanently. This is not something that just anyone can cope with so I would recommend that you learn not only the language, but also as much as you can about the culture. Make friends in the Brazilian community at home and find out about the day-to-day life here.

A tourist is still in the honeymoon on a vacation, real life here in Brazil is quite different. Extreme poverty all around, oppressive bureaucracy, lack of infrastructure such as basic sanitation for everybody and extreme social injustice. So, please make sure if you're going to move here you come with your eyes and mind wide open. Then you stand a good chance of long-term success.

Teaching English, while being about the only work readily available to foreigners, does not pay well. Finding another job while pretty tough will pay the bills and put food on the table more effectively.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team.



my wife is from Brasil, i have been there about 15 times during the last 7 years,finally moving there in September as we own a farm there.

Brasil is beautiful but like any country has its own problems,before you move it would be wise to spend an extended period there of 1 or 2 months.

you can teach english there with and without qualifications,pay can be anywhere from $11-$25/hour but it is a competitive market,personally and depending on what you are currently studying in college, i would advise on having as much portugese as possible.during your trips try and identify business opportunities,Brasil's middle class is a growing market so if you come up with the right idea for a business, the potential is great.

re visa, i take it you are from the US so at the moment you will need a visa but i think Obama is working on a deal,if that happens you will be entitled to stay 3 months without visa, to work however you will need a number similar to a social security, the best way to do this is with a teaching program where you train while you teach but pay is very low.

boa sorte



thank you both for your replies!

I am going to attend college here in the United States for early childhood education. After I get my degree is when I plan to move to Brazil. It will not be for at least another 4 years. I do plan to visit Brazil this June and stay for about a month and a half.

My main plan is to go there and offer classes from my home. I know a lot of people do this, and they can charge their own rates making more money. I don't exactly know how to go about doing this plan, but that is my plan for now! haha

I still have plenty of time, but I just like to know what I am getting myself into.

Anymore feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Rodrigues Costa

Hello Sidney! How are you? I am Brazilian, and wanted to tell you not to give up on their dreams. My country is a wonderful place.

Hugs, friend!

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Hi all
i was on holiday recently in Brazil in Goiania and i would love to settle soon in Brazil,just to give you some hints about living in Brazil as we hear a lot from our expert James and i have seen it my self for 6 weeks i returned on  16 July 2015 .Brazil is a wonderful country for life style if you do fit the Latino life style ,you've got to be there for the love of it ,most cases people went there when they found love ,i don't think so it's a country to enrich yourself if you looking for money and coming from advanced and western countries rather stay in your country then ,but my personal experience is i fell in love with the  most perfect christian lady in Goiania ,another thing about Brazil what amazed me is a real christian country as opposed what i used to think before or what people think about a carnival country ,fun and beautiful ladies ,it depends what you looking for in life  .


Hey Dude,

i am Brasilian, now i live in Paris.
for you to live in Brazil is not that difficult. You have to do some studies or work there. The best thing you can do for it is getting a university or beeing english teacher somewhere.
Where do you want to live? what city?

if you need more contacts or informations i have my facebook page and i can give more help if you need. Rodrigo Mubárac

Rodrigues Costa

If you need my help! hugs! Never give up your dreams!


Sidney, hi!

How about an update? your comming close to graduation and by now you sholud have a more solid plan.

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