
Help with english text editing (volunteer or exchange servises)

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Hello I’m an Argentine located in Holland for already 11 years. I’m an architect specialized on innovation & sustainability. I’m looking for someone that can help as with English text editing for a (not for profit) weblog. The idea is that I’ll write the text in Spanish (Argentinean) and in my best English (like this email). In this case the person can learn from the Spanish text. It is not translation work, it is editing!

Text size and frequency will be: no larger than 1 A4, even less (average) and every 2 weeks.

What I’m looking for:
-    Someone with university degree who can write in very good English, or like to do it and have the feeling.
-    Someone with some interest (or knowledge) in sustainability or willing to learn about it would be great!
-    Someone that can response in 2 or 3 days, a week later sometimes would also fine.

What I offer:
-    Another way of learning Spanish: The text will be written in good Argentinean Spanish. Also skype contact is possible, so we can exchange opinions about the expressions/idioms.
-    Learning about the topic (=new trends on design & innovation), and if in the topic I can offer global network related.
-    Eventually exchange services (barter): I can do the same for the person that helps me, in that way I can edit text in Spanish that this person wants to post in her/his blog.

This message shows as well my English level. It is not beginners, so the texts will be quite understandable. For me is more that I want the posts well written and it is a way for me to keep learning more English as well.

Let me know if you are interested or if you know someone in your network that would like the idea! I can send some examples of text.

Thanks in advance!


Carolina Isern

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Ayman Zaid

Hi, I am an architect living in BsAs and learning Spanish, I am now in the intermediate level of Spanish. I can try once with you in one article and we can together see how it goes. I am interested since I am willing to benefit from the architectural phrases and general knowledge of innovation and sustainability in architecture.


Hi Ayman, thanks for replying. We can definitely try! How is your level of English? Are you a native speaking? I'm looking for a native speaking with a very broad and rich vocabulary in the field and very good grammatically and with idioms.
Do you have a personal email? I can send you one example and try if you feel like. Saludos y mucha suerte con tu estadia en Buenos Aires, Caro

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