
Local rate rentals???

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We are a family of 5 moving to CR in late July '10.  Obviously, most of the rental options we see in States are for pricey vacation rentals, which simply isn't an option for our budget.  Can anyone steer us in the right direction on researching / locating "local" rental rates for modest long-term rentals.  Our daughters are small (9,7,5) and we are content in a small place (simple life!!). 

Also, we are currently focused on the northern Pacific coast (Guanacaste), but open to central and southern Pacific coastal areas.

Our eventual goal is the purchase a small, sustainable farm/eco/surf lodge (yes, I know...this isn't an original idea, but I have some original ideas!!).  My wife is a massage therapist and avid organic gardner (in case anyone wants to link-up down the road!!).

Okay...that enough for now!  We can't wait to get there and begin meeting many of you wonderful expats here!!

Until then, Pura Vida!!!!!!!!!!

Jason (Julie, Lilly, Logan & Willow) The KnouseHouse

See also

Real estate listingsBuying a property in Costa RicaAccommodation in Costa RicaBuying Property In Costa RicaAccommodation in San Jose

Hi Jason & Family! I'd say your best bet is to check the classifieds in local Spanish-language newspapers here, the largest and probably best option being La Nacion ( You can find listings in The Tico Times as well, but since they cater to us Gringos, the prices are usually higher. Good luck!


No doubt you've chosen Costa Rica for a reason but just a little further North over the border into Nicaragua you'd find a multitude of options in all price ranges - especially around San Juan del Sur.


Hi here in central valley  (san pedro Poas ) you have a lot of farm and it`s a very nice place and secure place to live .
Before I move to CR a travel 4 times and Poas it`s beautiful.


Good Luck


Hups i forgot for the rental you find house whit lot at 150 000 colones about 300$ and if you want in the mountain  at 200 $ you find.


erin m.

You might want to check out the apt/housing section of

During high season, at the end of 2009, my fiancé and I were renting a small 2 bedroom in Jaco for $200 a month. 1/2 of a new construction duplex on 1/2 acre w nice yard, no fence. It was less than 5 minutes from the beach. Terms were month to month.
Please note - It was incredibly cheap - we were renting from a friend and brought our own appliances and furniture.


For all those looking for an accomodation, there is also's Classifieds in Costa Rica! :)

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