
Got some questions about Lithuania and i need your help please

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Aashutosh Tripathi


I am Aashutosh from D'dun UK India. I have already asked you some questions earlier. But you know Whenever we migrate any where, it is not an easy task. Because I am married and having to little kids. Hence firstly I will come there separately then after primary settlement by march I will bring my family also there. Hence I need some Important advise from you please never irritate from my questions, because every one becomes to much possessive/worried about family particularly, when we are going to live, in a very different culture and the people.
       Now I am coming to the point-
1. What about job probability in Lt? Easy or very tough ?
2. If I get a job, can I properly look-after my family means "Is  salary good there? For a normal life."
3. How is the atmosphere (about life) there, Is crime rate, very high there? If I bring my family will they be safe there?
4. Can you advise 'How can I get legal-visa soon' for Lt, there in India?
5. If you can help me from there in Lt, please help me because You are also from my country and without some one's help it might be impossible to come there. Please invite me as a family-friend for any occasion.
6. Please send me some nice contact no. and email of the genuine agents of Lithuania. Here agents are so fraud and cheap. Please help me and reply me very very very soon.
+91 8650267681

See also

Living in Lithuania: the expat guideMarriage in Vilniuslegal requirements for the entire processHow to start a Business in LithuaniaWant some information to start Restaurant Business in Lithuania

Hi Aashutosh,

A new topic has been created as from your post on the Lithuania forum for more visibility and responses.

[please avoid copy paste msg on the forum]

Thank you,
All the best,
Christine team


hello , i am here in lithuania now . currently in panevezys.

for an English speaker i think its not so easy to find a job unless you will stand our own business in here .
thats why im starting to learn Lithuanian language as of now ..

as to my husbands job ( he is a Lithuanian)
he have a good salary amount . but i think it depends on the profession or work ..

as i have observed its not too high crime rate in here .
i never heard of it a lot :D

if u have Lithuanian embassy in there , in India i think u can easily apply for a long term visa to stay in here :D

thats only i can say . hehehe
just want to help even a little :D

, Kris

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