
5 a Side Football in Warsaw - Interested?

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Hi all,

I have just moved to Warsaw and I was hoping to get together with some people who want to play some football.

Skill Level is not important (I am not especially talented!!!), but having fun and getting some exercise is!

I have set up a Facebook group (search for '5 a side Warsaw') which anyone can join, so if you are on Facebook check it out. Would be a good place to send out updates etc, so join if you can!

If there is enough interest we can arrange a time and place for the first kick-about.


See also

Leisure activities in WarsawLeisure in PolandFootballPlan in varsoviAI want to play football in poland

Hi, did you have any luck with this? I'd definitely be up for playing football at some point, I've been in Warsaw just over a month and I'm craving some football!


Hi Szmalec,

Sounds interesting. I looked for the group on Facebook but couldn't find it. Do you have a link?




looks like these posts are a bit old, but did anything come of the 5-a-side??



I can not find the link, but definietlly in!!!, please let me know when you meet


i didnt hear anything back regaridng the football. if you hear of anything let me know


Alan Gilly

If by any chance this is going ahead, i will definitely be interested


we should organize ourselves!! I guess, because I think this is not going anymore!!


id be interested if we can get something sorted. might be able to get one more too


if theres not enough to arrange ourselves, the web-site could help?


Im interested about playing football


i live close to a few outdoor fields, amazingly well maintained. now that the weather is warmer, these are great places to meet up and play, for free. it's just first come, first served, so if there are people already there we have to wait, or we can potentially join them.

the places im talking about are in Saska Kepa, close to the center but across the river, next to the stadium.  theres also a huge park where we can just set up some goals and play, we just need peope and a ball.

anyone interested? or other outdoor, free places to recommend?


ill have a game if we can get some interest. sounds good

Alan Gilly

Count me in too of we can get enough numbers


I'd also be up for playing if something gets sorted


can't do this weekend but maybe say next weekend at a time to suit all. i should be able to get at least one more


I'm free to play this Sunday, April 6. Free all day, weather should be nice. I propose the Saska Kepa area (just because it is good for me), but if someone knows somewhere else that's good please tell us.

Anyone interested? Can we get a head count?

I don't have a football but I have a basketball, frisbee, and American football at my disposal


count me in. Saska Kepa is good. beer on the beach after??

around midday/1pm? if we get enough....


Anyone else? Do u have anyone to bring with you Harry?


looks like there were no more takers. maybe next week??


i'm definitely game! please post here if you can come, all are welcome :) place and time are all up to you

Abidal HM

Hi All ,,

I'de like to know if you're still playing football , i would be appreciated if you could count me on and contact me )))



We never got to actually plan anything. Who wants to play this weekend? I'm free all day sunday

Alan Gilly

I'll can play this weekend

Abidal HM

Hi guys , I know some of my friends will play this Saturday , and I think we can join them . They already organized everything . Please feel free to join and contact me , so I can give u the address .

Have a nice day ))


have u guys done any playing yet?


what for so many talks about and no action. In Poland go on nearest field and just join some team ;-)


Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : No promotion for external groups on Expat Blog
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@Szmalec Hi, im interested, how can i contact you


Hello Raymondodiong,

Please note that this thread is from 2013, the participants haven't logged in since years now.

Please drop an advert in the Warsaw classifieds if you are looking for sport partners.

All the best,


[Topic Closed]


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