
A Newbie Wants help


Hello ,

I am Soon gonna relocate to Bahrain on my husband sponsorship
I am certified Teacher( B Ed) with almost 9 yrs of teaching experience.
I want to join A good school in Bahrain.I mean I want good Management of School where I can work with dedication.
Any Help or Advise for GOOOD Schools in Bahrain !!
I am searching the Net but I see many schools prefer Native Teachers
I am from India.
Kindly Reply.

See also

Studying in BahrainInformation about British schools and area to liveSchool transfer from Saudi to BahrainSt Christopher schoolSacred heart school review needed

Hi and welcome

Most of the school recruiting has been finalised and all the new teachers move here in August. A lot of the International schools prefer expat's teaching the children.

St. Christophers
British school of Bahrain
The Indian School - there are over 50 Indian schools that I know of so probably more like 80 in Bahrain.
Riffa School

It will probably be best to wait until you get here to start your mission to find employment.

Things you need to have with you:

All exam result certificates - certified
CPR and visa

You haven't said what subject you teach?

In this link "Schools" you will find all the education facilities in Bahrain. Most advertise on their own website for teachers


Thanks A lot for reply Josnuggles.
Well I am ready with my certificates.I teach Social Studies and English.
One more query...Wat should be my expectations for Salary and Benefits In Bahrain For a B ed  Teacher?
Thanks Again


Hi knowledgeseeker. It will be difficult to answer your last question regarding salary expectation. This is because there are schools that operate in a wide range (of fee structures, student numbers, school size, student-teacher ratios,etc). Salaries can range from a few hundred dinars to the thousands.

Wonder if any other contributors have a better view on this matter?


Based on what i heard so far , the salary of teachers in Indian curriculum schools are really less something between 300-500  and recently there was rule from govt where a school need to sponsor their teachers too , this may also impact the salaries.



Thank you Farhaz and Akhil004 for ur replies.

I am thankful to the members for guiding me.
Keep them coming in
Thanks Again



I am a teacher as well, though this August will begin my first year of teaching. When I was interviewing with various schools in Bahrain, I noticed the schools tend to determine based on years of experience. With close to 9 years of experience, you should be paid well.

The three schools I talked to about positions as an expat were:

Modern Knowledge School (they recently expanded their middle school and were looking for many teachers... you might want to check with them when you get to Bahrain)

Bahrain Bayan

Ibn Khuldoon National School

I hope this helps!


Thanks Esmoake for ur reply.It was indeed Helpful for me.

I have gone through the websites of the abovesaid schools and I have noticed one thing that the staff is mostly Western Teachers .I mean Native teachers from US,UK .
Do these schools Consider Teachers from other nationalities like India.
And one more thing, Do the teachers in Bahrain get benefit of Concession in School fees for Their Kids.
Thanks again Folks.
Its been a wonderful experience for me since I Joined This Forum.


I don't think all schools will look at your nationality as a decision maker. If you are an experienced teacher and have proofs to show during the interview, you can get the job. However, some schools such as The British School or St. Christopher's will prefer Western teachers due to the majority of their clientele. Having said that, it's not set in stone. Visit their website and apply for the open positions. You can also make some speculative applications so that your CV gets into their database.

Good luck!


I'm afraid I have to disagree with Brightonguy (for the first time ever) but as he doesn't have children in Bahrain I'm afraid he is incorrect.

British School of Bahrain AND St Christophers both employ quite a large number of Indian teachers, this is not only because they have quite a high number of Indian pupils but because they only focus on the teachers qualifications and NOT their ethnic backgrounds. I'm not aware that they give discounts to their teachers children attending the schools, that is something you will have to double check.

I do know that both schools will fully sponsor teachers, they do NOT sponsor support staff (admin, finance etc)


Thanks Brightonguy and Josnuggles for ur replies
I have indeed boosted up aftr learning abt schools and their.hiring policy irrespective of the nationality of the teachers
Thanks Again