In the event of a death

I know this is a 'worst case scenario' kind of question, and I'm sorry if it has been discussed before, but I didn't know how to search on the forum boards for this topic.

If a person was to give up their citizenship of their country of origin and they passed away in Panama, what is the standard procedure for burial, funeral arrangements, cremation, internment, etc.?


I am not writing with an answer to your question...rather a comment:

Thank you for asking it is valid and important to know the answer. It is not something I would, early on in my research, think to ask. 

So, I also wait to read the replies on the topic.


Once you are dead does it really matter what they do with your corpse? If so, I would consult your Embassy before you renounce your original citizenship. Speaking personally, I could not care less what they do with my corpse.  There was quite a discussion in this forum on the topic.

But, give up citizenship? (why??) so then they would be a Panamanian citizen? or of another country? If Panamanian, would they want to be buried here, or sent elsewhere? If the person is a citizen of another country I suppose they would be an expat like the rest of us.

I believe it is a very difficult and lengthy process to become a Panamanian citizen, so by the time you've been here that long you'd probably know a lot more and all of us expats

I think it's always better to plan for worst case scenarios, than be caught unprepared.


RodandMo wrote:

I know this is a 'worst case scenario' kind of question, and I'm sorry if it has been discussed before, but I didn't know how to search on the forum boards for this topic.

If a person was to give up their citizenship of their country of origin and they passed away in Panama, what is the standard procedure for burial, funeral arrangements, cremation, internment, etc.?

Do not be sorry, it is a great question and I unfortunately have the answers.
My Father died here in April and even though he was a US citizen it would be handled the same.
You need to first establish a relationship with a funeral home that cremates if that is your choice. One great one is in Panama City:

Calle 35 este y Ave. Justo Arosemena, Ciudad de Panamá
Call Luis Rodriguez he speaks English and have all the information you need.
Your family would get a "Report of Death Abroad" from your countries Embassy, even if you are a resident of Panama. This will handle any legal documents in your country.
The funeral home handles all the paperwork to have your remains sent home if that is your desire.
The cost for me was $1200 total ,but being a Panama citizen I am sure it would be less.
They came and got the body in Pedasi and transported it to Panama City late at night. Make sure the doctor and the Public Ministry in your town fills out the paperwork(death certificate) before the funeral home takes the body.
Hope this helps.