Urgent: Projectors Rental?


I want to rent projects and screens for a private event ASAP! But I cant really find a place to rent from.

If anyone can recommend me a company or something, that will be great!

Thank you!

Event mangement companies do such rentals.
I live in Riyadh, can't help better :)

on sitteen street  between Falasteen street and gharnatah street , i remeber there are 2-3 shops renting out event management equipments like spot lights, projectors.

just beside the Eritrean consulate, theres a shop

but i am not sure whether they have projectors or not.

TheLegendLeads : Yes I am aware that events management companies do that, lol but not all of them....And I know where to rent/buy from Riyadh but not Jeddah...But now I do :D

Omar Saqib: Thank you for your help :) I found a shop around herra ...

your most welcome

Hi @AichaKhan

Do you mind telling me the location of projector rentals in Riyadh for private events?

It's quite urgent and i would appreciate a response from anyone!

Thanks a lot!