Car insurance for a UK car in France - Advice needed

Dear All,

I have recently moved to Nantes in France for work. I need to bring my UK car to France, but my current policy only covers holidays in Europe.

Can anyone recommend a UK insurer who will insure the car in Europe or a French Insurer who can offer cover?

Or if anyone can suggest reasonable alternatives I would be very grateful!

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Best Regards,

Hello Neel.

Welcome to! :)


Hi, bonjour Neel,

Have you sortes out your indurante covergirl?
I think most of french indurées can provide you a cover.
Ma compagnon And I  are façons Thé same indurante problème as WE moved from Nantes 3 montes ago to settle In UK. Our french indurante Company recommandes us to insurgé our car In UK...

Do you Enjoy Nantes, are Thé "Nantais" welcome people?

Tony et Florence