
I am a Nurse with worst case scenario :(

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Hello all.
I want to work in Sweeden as Nurse. Please some one tell what I need to do for a work permit + authorization and please tell me is there mendatory to have Sweedish language course for authorization or license of nursing before to get work permit.
reply please
Sherry Iqbal

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Work in ÖrebroFinding a job in StockholmStockholm's labour marketThe work culture in StockholmInternships in Sweden

I am very much disappointed. so many old & experienced users on this page visited. but, no one replied. any how, Happy Easter to all page admins and co page admins and senior bloggers.


Hi sherry .
Sorry for the late reply. There is no way to get swedish work permit without job offer letter. Sweden regulated nurse movement and you would have to study full time as student in sweden to get the license( and later apply for job)

Norway does give  authorization , with English as language
Requirement(not sure, It depends upon the profession. If your profession is in regulated list, you would have to learn norwegian to apply). Probably you could apply for norway authorization once you are about to come to norway.Learn the language with some certificates.

To conclude =>
Find a sponsor or friend who can get  you to norway,Have your authorization ready, pass the  language tests, Apply for job in norway during  that short stay  and then finally apply for work permit.

Other way is :
1. To get a job before coming to norway
2. Apply for work permit and authorization
Practically Impossible since many locals study these and nurse jobs is high in demand among locals.

See more on this page for accurate information: … -in-norway

The other short cut is to contact pakistani norwegian and they might know the easy way out :)


Hi Judias .
Brother thanks for such detail reply and sorry for not replying on time.
I have checked License requirements for Norway as well and yes they dont required initially. but, I am afraid if I pay them fee and I will get license after this. what about my chances to get work sponsor without knowing Norwegian language and stayed out side EU?
even I am ready to pay anything or to any one for sponsor. :P
please reply brother.


Shera brother.

You cant get work while living in norway
You are talking of hypothetic a l situation.

Just look for some pakistani girl marry her get citizenship. .
Otherwise look for Pakistai people on linked in in oslo.

Impress upon them..they might help you

Otherwise there are many paki taking 20odd laks jn your
Local currency nd arranging 2year work permit for odd jobs.
Remember they dont give job.
You have to choose your own way.
By the way all legal information is explained properly in
Previous link I sent you.


Mr sherryiqbal,

First you have to understand what you asking for or want.

You want to come Sweden and work in Hospital. Why do you think, in hospital have to speek english. Do they speek other language in you place.

This is not english speeking country, yes, off course in other department english speeking job there.

Have a look 

Good luck with you job search.

Let me know if you have any further question.



People living here for decades cant get a job here. Nursing sector is highly competitive. Sweden is bring in too many asylum seekers from war torn country. I doubt there are any jobs.


Sherry -- Scandanavia, all the countries, are some of the most racist you will find anywhere.  I was outright denied a job in an English speaking, American company that had a hub in Sweden.  The job specifically called for ultra fluent English skills, as all the work and product would be in English.  Yet, the reason I was denied -- and they literally said this to my face -- is that I didn't seem to be of Nordic origin and was thus disqualified. 

So, you must have ultra fluency in the language of the country where you would like to be a Nurse -- Norway, Sweden, whatever, including all medical vocabulary. It takes 2-3 years of constant learning/use to become fluent in another language -- even longer if there are specialty vocabulary you need to learn, like medicine.  To even get attention, be able to fill out the application in that language, along with making sure your CV and cover letter are grammar perfect in that language as well.  If you don't have lots of years of nursing experience, even with your fluent language skills, you will likely get passed by as well.  And after all of that, once they realize you aren't of Nordic origin, they are still more likely to give the job to someone less qualified who is of Nordic origin. 

Most Scandanavian businesses also won't sponsor your visa as a job applicant (if you are transferring to a new job within the same company, that is a bit different, but not the case here).  They expect you to be living locally, and have obtained your own residency/work permits.   The most common way this happens is if someone's significant other is a native to Sweden/Norway, as they usually want their lovers to come to their home country.  Still, applying for, getting it approved, and receiving the first residency/work permit can take 6 months or more. 

I don't know your personal reasons or professional motivations in your desire to move to Sweden or Norway, but unfortunately, from experience, I can tell you that they won't welcome you in either location.


It's true. So true ...

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