Concerns about moving to Brazil with 7 year old daughter

Last year, we moved to the miskito coast in Nicaragua.  Were planning on spending 5 years there on a humanitarian project.  We had to leave after one year due to various safety issue regarding our daughter.  We are looking at moving to Brazil, more rural areas.  Wondering about how good the education is for young children.  Also, wondering about safety for her.  She ended up being a prisoner in our home to keep her sexually safe from not only adults, but from other children her own age.  Wondering what issues we would have to face with moving with her.

Your question is imposible to answer. Brazil is a big country, with big and small towns, and so many differences. Everything depends in where you will live and what are your resources. It is not the same if you live in Sao Paulo, a city of 20 millons or in the countryside, in a favela or in a upper class area.

Sunish, there are many safe and comfortable areas in brazil, particularly in the rural areas. but like Carinar said, it all depends on where. do you have a state or particular region in mind? we could answer more of your questions and suggest locations if you give us a little bit more information :)