
Punta Cana Studio Rental?


Hi everyone!

Just joined the forum and I am very glad I found such a resourceful website. I have been reading it for the past week - since I learned we are moving to DR - and it is a relief to find information of people actually living there not only on vacation :)

Hubby got a job in Punta Cana so we will be relocating in the Fall (August). We will be living in a condominium with all the other employees and have not much option for housing - we will be in a one bedroom apartment.

I am an artist and needed a second bedroom for my studio so I thought I could rent a studio apartment for that. My internet search only brings vacation apartments thou. Do any of you have a website recommendation with rentals for residents of PC? I want to take a look at the prices and see if it is a doable option for us. Keeping my fingers crossed that it is cheaper than the vacation studio apartments.

My other question is about cars. I read in another discussion here - I can find it where - that it is best to bring your car instead of buying one in DR. I don't remember the date of the discussion so I am not sure if this information is still relevant. What were your experiences when moving to DR, did you get your car there or shipped yours?

Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it :)

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideCONNECTING WITH CANADIAN EXPAT GROUPS VIA FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAMSeeking Business opportunity on North CoastSIM CARD SWITCHING FOR NEWBIESMoving to DR

Hi LimeTree,

Welcome to! :)


In order to save huge taxes etc,  get your residencia before trying to bring a vehicle into the country. Remember it must be less then 5 years old and you must have owned it for at least 1 full year I believe. Your residencia  will cost around 1,000 to 1500 US and takes anywhere from 3 to 9 months these days.

Renting a 1 bedroom or studio - likely you can do this.  I am not sure you will like the pricing but they are available. Sorry only expensive and tourism apartments are on websites (my experience)

Places here are rented mostly based on driving around and seeing signs or asking locals where an apartment might be!


Thank You Christine, I appreciate your welcoming note :)


Hi Planner, that is just what I thought - that I wouldn't be able to get a good grasp of apartments pricing from web searching. Oh well, will have to be there and see :)

Thank you for responding to my question!


You are very welcome!


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It gives you an idea of what's available.