
dBirth certificate


Hello guys am so stressed by having my documents read diffrent names am not a criminal but this is boring especially now that am thinking of visiting Europe.
My name on birth certificate has some three letters that need to be expunged,in Nairobi office of births they say they cant interfere with the forename.
I have an affidavit for this but in Germany they dont recognize affidavits.
What do i do? Please expatriates kindly advice.

See also

Marriage in KenyaHow to stay in Kenya (I don't plan to work) ?moving to kenyaUK Birth Certificate for UK man born in 1960Recognizing a child as a foreigner

Do you mean your Passport and Birth Certificate have different names? I would work with the passport office to have that sorted out - and keep what was on tbe Birth Certificate - the people around you and the people who know you know you as who you are, don't worry about what a piece of paper says - it's there to appease the ones in the uniforms.


Hey thank u for the advice,i think i should consider that but my passport reads the naime on my documents,so if i change thr name on the passport i will have to also change my id name and other docs.The easy way is to change the name on birthcertificate to the name on otjer docs.


Birth certificates can not be changed unless you apply to the courts. The birth certificate is an affidavit and can not be altered without the courts approval, as the previous poster has said easier to change the other documents.It is a pain I know, but that's the law.


hi. i can help you have the birth certificate in order. call me on 0723 120 345 if you are interested.


You need to do a Deed Poll.  It is the only way to change your name in Kenya. After Gazettement a new passport and identity documents will be issued. [Moderated: No free ad on the forum please]