What are the possibilities to work in Chile?

Hello folks,
I'm Italian and I currently live in Sydney.
I don't know Spanish yet but I would like to study it, so I'm going to live in Santiago de Chile for that.
As I'm an Italian native speaker, I studied French for 8 years at school and I do know English, what are the possibilities to work in Chile?
I wonder if it can be hard to find a job with my skills.
I have to say that I don't have any Degree, but my English proficiency is certificated.
Can it make any differences?
Muchas Gracias  :D

Hi Lara88,

Welcome to Expat.com :).

Your post has been moved to the Santiago English speaking forum for better interaction with the other members.


Welcome to Chile. There is no unemployment here. Less than 5% of unemployed person. There is work for everyone. Easiest, if you want to live here, is to create his own business. Tell me what you like to do - we will give you ideas.


Bonjour Patrick

Je vis actuellement en France , mais avec ma femme de nationalité chilienne nous souhaiterions rentrer au Chili dans un avenir proche,j'ai bien remarqué que le Chili a un chômage très peu élevé, cependant je voulais avoir un avis de ta part.
Je suis ici gérant entrepreneur d'une société(5 salariés) de vente de marchandises au professionnel de la mer,pour mes achats je fait pas mal de négoce avec toute l'Europe; j'ai donc une expérience de gestion d'entreprise et de bonnes compétences commerciale (10 ans d'expérience) , je parle couramment espagnol et anglais;mon épouse me dit que malgré mon expérience je vais avoir des difficultés à trouver un emploi du fait de ne pas avoir de diplôme (la vie l'ayant fait ainsi, je n'ai pu terminer mes études) car selon elle les chiliens accordent une grande importance aux diplômes.
Pourrais tu me donner ton avis là dessus?


à Bientôt


Hello lhermillier.amos -> Can you please post in english on this Anglophone forum or start a new thread on the Santiago Francophone forum with your questions? :)

Thank you,

Thanks for the information Patrick. I have been spying the Chilean Forum for a year or 2 and heard from some of the Americans/Brits living in Valpo and Santiago that it is very expensive and that food is very expensive - compared to the US..
would you say that was accurate?

For example, would 3500 US dollars be impossible to live on for a husband/wife and 2 elementary school children?

Thanks for the information Patrick. I have been spying the Chilean Forum for a year or 2 and heard from some of the Americans/Brits living in Valpo and Santiago that it is very expensive and that food is very expensive - compared to the US..
would you say that was accurate?

For example, would 3500 US dollars be impossible to live on for a husband/wife and 2 elementary school children?

Thanks for your message
What is 3500 us in Chile – a rough conversion is : 3500/2 = 1750. You will have 1 750 000 pesos
School and flat renting = 1200 usd
Food and supermarket expenses = 1200 usd for 4 peoples
Charges and leisure = 1200 usd

my recommendation is as follows:
1) spend time to look for an apartment - there are all prices in Santiago for the same area.
2) is preferable to buy vegetables at the market (La Vega) and not the supermarket. The fruits are better and cheaper. Sometimes 50% less.
3) Consume leisure intelligently - do not take all cable options and keep the money for the rest (sky and beach). The celular package can range from 20 to 200 usd. We must choose with care.

You can live very well with 3500 usd in Chili with 2 children,  (with taking care)

Best regards

Salut Amos

Je pense que tu as beaucoup de posibilités de travailler aux Chili. Car tu as l'experience et a ce moment il y a trop de chance de emploiment.

Enseigner le francais put etre unne bonne posibilite pour commencer. Pendant tu cherche d'auttre emploi.


Hello Chilenobogota -> Can you please post in english on this English speaking forum? :)

Thank you,