Do You worry about the future?

WARNING:  What you are about to read is real.  No punches will be pulled and no sugar coating applied.  If you can't handle real stuff it would be best for you to hit your BACK button, right about now :)

Do you worry about the future?

I know I will come off as bitter, even filled with hate. And I am. The worst part is, I don't know WHO to hate. In a recurring dream I learn that when you die, and go to hell, they don't TELL you. After all, you have all of eternity to figure it out...

Yes, I certainly do worry about my future! That is why I am going to PP for a month. I will arrive 11/8. I know no person there. I am desperately looking for a way out - out of the country that most of the world perceives as having streets, lined with gold.

The United Police States is about done. They have ripped it off about all they can. They have busted all it's unions, close all it's factories, exported all it's jobs, taken away all the rights of it's people... not to mention getting it so far in debt, it can never get out.

The people of this country are, for the most part, STUPID. The UPS has the second-worst gene pool on the planet, the worst being Australia which, as all know, was founded by criminals from Britain. The UPS was populated by losers who could not make it where they were, so they came here. And that was fine, back when this place was expanding...

Stupidity, combined with a liberal dose of brainwashing, produces what we call a redneck. To a redneck, this country quite literally CAN do no wrong; can not be wrong. Sadly, that precludes the vigilance that is required, in order to maintain any government. That vigilance has never existed, here. The result is quite predictable... a full-blown oligarchy that does not even bother to masquerade as a democracy, except in election years.

Now there is this problem: The rich have profited by exporting jobs, until there are no jobs. Just ask any kid that graduated in the last 3-5 years. Since all the well-compensated jobs have gone to places far away few taxes, indeed, are being collected. The government has responded by taking on debt and printing money in it's futile attempts to restart an economy, that has lost it's basis. The result of that is, of course, inflation, and plenty of it.

The inflation makes the government liable for more and more, just to keep the country going, so it borrows more and more and prints more and more, causing, in turn, more and more inflation...

Now a common candy bar costs $1.17 and a fucking doughnut is a dollar fifty, in places. In my home town there are whole strip malls that lie vacant; their businesses bankrupt, and gone, because nobody has any money to spend. The STUPID inhabitants of the UPS think "things" are "going up." Never, not even once, do their peanut brains suspect that MONEY, is going DOWN. Sad...

The "American Dream" is being three paychecks away from homeless. Now many are homeless. Yes, the glitzy restaurants are still surrounded by new cars, but ONLY new cars. That is a danger sign! You're rich, or dirt-poor - a sure sign of an economy breaking down. On the mean streets, away from the affluent neighborhoods, gangs prevail and drugs ruin everything, and everyone, they touch. HARD drugs - not weed, like my generation used.

People here have gotten MEAN. Their standard of living has crashed, leaving them feeling like failures, when they are no different from the rest. In the '50s a man could work and support a family easily. Now, with both working, it's VERY hard just to make ends meet. There is nothing left at the end of the week, or month.

The rich have made slaves of us all... and then people will vote for Romney! The jagged, glaring stupidity...

People are lost. They don't know what's wrong, let alone what they can do to better their lot. And it makes then MEAN. They live in dumps. They wear shabby clothes. They drive crummy cars and can't afford the gas to run them. They work like dogs for wages that buy less and less, every week. They they see the rich, driving their shiny new SUVs and eating at nice places. And it makes them MEAN....

The morays in the UPS have declined, in direct proportion to the standard of living. Once, long ago, a few things were held above money; things like justice, right and wrong... but not any more. Now money is the only consideration and dog eat dog, is the result. Now all that's here is SKUM. White trash. Liars, cheats and thieves.

The total lack of any sort of morality has permeated this society, to the point that you can deal with absolutely no person or organization without having to fight like a mad dog, just to keep from being ripped off. Now people lie, just like they breathe. And, being stupid, they get caught at it, almost immediately. When they are caught lying they just give you that deer in the headlights look... like, what's wrong with that? Everybody does it.

There was a Black Sabbath song, long ago... "...You made me Master, on the world where you exist; the soul I took from you, was not even missed!..."

The people of the UPS had it all... then they wiped their STUPID, rednecked asses on it. And now it is, no more, nor shall it be, ever again. While this country existed it managed to poison the rest of the world with the disease that killed it - something called capitalism. And I do believe the malignancy will kill the entire planet. Money is the foremost invention, of evil...

So yeah, I sure do worry about my future. I don't think I even have one. Now I am a rat, fighting tooth and nail to get off this sinking ship, before it's too late... and it may already BE too late!  Frankly, I am not sure I can make a future in Cambo. I am so much more than certain there is no GOOD future for me, or anyone else, in the United Police States! And so, at age 63, I am obliged to try to start again.

God has protected me and provided for me, all my life. God has tested me, big time. I don't know how I managed not to be one of those people you hear about on the news; someone who just plain had enough, got a weapon and went hunting... white trash. I passed His tests... at least I think I did. Now I ask You, Father, PLEASE let me live out the rest of my days, in peace? I don't have much time left...

The Digital Mage

you're not the only one and ,any can relate to your story, the world has gone bad , we are living bad times , its as simple as that .. all the people u'll meet here  will have something in common with you, we all run from one thing or another  and Lord's land is wide enough to move on at any time when  u feel u can't breathe anymore .. Cambodia is not cheap. Everyone here thinks that the other has  a gold mine  hidden somewhere . they ask for money  for absolutely anything. .. still there are few things left that makes it worth living here .
Everyone here has their own life story , everyone has something to worry about , nothing new in that .
The majority, sadly, even though u'll see hundreds and hundreds  are here in Cambodia cause its a refuge  where visas give no hassle , can still avoid drugs and can still avoid other things which bother you .. ofcourse u can have them too if ure interested to get them
This life is a test for everyone, even for those who are generally called "rich"..
But that's how it goes sometimes.. one day at a time.
You never know what will happen tomorrow .
and yeah, i repeat, Cambodia is far from being cheap.Get ready for it.
Most of us don't know anybody, .. i don't know anybody 0_O.. we are all on our own , alone in crowded places .
You are going to stand on your own feet , walk on your own feet, think fast and save your resources .
63 is just one number like any other , its your resources that make the difference and you are the only one who knows if you're capable to take care of yourself or not.

sadly.. people are just people. sometimes they help sometimes they don't , mostly they don't .

Good Luck .

wow.  if it's not cheap maybe i should not come.

it depends on your lifestyle too .. 2 liters of milk is 4 $..:/.. if u're a person who likes milk , bread costs anywhere from 40 $ a small one to 2 $ a normal one, a pizza of abt 20 cm diameter  costs around 4 $, meat costs anywhere from 1$ few slices of fish to 27 $ 1 kg of minced mutton .. etc

ok...  i'll be eating in the cheap local restaurants, anyway.  it certainly has occurred to me that this will not work.  if it does not i intend to have some fun.  provided i can remember how to do that - it HAS been a while! 

i'm not bringing anything.  i have a cheap-o phone i used for a short time.  i will bring that.  after i find out what gives maybe i will buy a camera there.  not going to risk my $700 galaxy note or my nice, new laptop.  i will sleep with my passport etc. shoved into my pillowcase...

i was just very pleasantly surprised!  my korean air air ticket is good for one year and, during that year, i can return any time i want with no upcharge!  see snoopy, dancing on doghouse!

oo wow that really awesome ! .. do save 280$ for 1 yr round visa extension :D

lol - i might not stay the month - depending on how things go.  but you know, i think things are going to go well - VERY well... :)

I'm feeling the same way and planning my trip for next november, I've given up on trying to build a sustainable farm in the USA, the permits alone cost almost 35-40k before sticking one plant in the ground, and thats not including the hundred k for building permits... I am done. Nowhere is more expensive than where I live right now. I'll be saving up for the next 12 months, then heading out with the things I think I'll need and likely a few thou in savings.

Well I just arrived tonight.   first impressions it's a rat hole.  I wasn't expecting paradise.  I'll see a lot more of it tomorrow.  The people really do seem to be nice.  I'm going to enjoy this shower much more than I usually do!

More tomorrow :)

TheDigitalMage wrote:

Well I just arrived tonight.   first impressions it's a rat hole.  I wasn't expecting paradise.  I'll see a lot more of it tomorrow.  The people really do seem to be nice.  I'm going to enjoy this shower much more than I usually do!

More tomorrow :)

heh hope the reason you didnt update was that you were indeed having fun. I was looking over pics of the cheapest guest houses with rooms for rent. Everything was low quality and overused. pretty much reminded me of Tijunana flop houses, with the garbage in the streets, and begging children, etc. There are a lot of similarities. I'm just hoping the people are better there, I went to TJ twice, and between the gangs, crime, narco problems, and terrible additudes of the locals I dont ever want to return, I really hope cambo locals really are better than that... but I have a sneaking suspicion that 3rd world dirt poor is 3rd world dirt poor wherever you go.

better all of you come to kep and kampot.more relaxed.but need to get motorbike for rent, go vietnam for daily shopping in the real super maga sized supermarket with Visa card.
while kep seafood 's really cheap and fresh in high quality.all daily meals in crab market,  Phsar Kdarm.
i'd rather stay in kep or kampot  for waiting my flight, then hopping shared taxi to airport directly at 5$.
PP only makes me dismay except for embassy paper work.