
Available USA prescription drugs

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Does anyone know if the insulins Humalog and Lantus are available in Costa Rica?  Also the injected medicine called Forteo and the pills Metformin and Lisinopril?  Any help is greatly appreciated.


See also

The health care system in Costa RicaForm Needed for Erasing CAJA Payments for the Months out of Costa RicaHospital Metropolitano Expands CoverageType 2 diabeticPreventive care in Costa Rica

I have the answer!  I've even found an endocronologist who was kind enough to email me some information.  Here's his name, email, and what he told me:

From: Dr. Jose Guillermo Jimenez Montero

Hi Vikki:

I hope I can help you. Humalog and Lantus are available in Pharmacitis, the cost can be approximately 50 dollars for Lantus, Humalog or Apidra which has a pracally identical profile cost much less.
La CAJA provides human insulin (NPH and regular) and glucose control is a little complicated with these insulins.

You can get supplies for insulin pumps or you could get them from USA.

I do not think you will have trouble with you diabetes maanagment.

I be glad to help you,



Thank you so much for the help.  Humalog and Lantus are $50.00?  That's much cheaper than in the USA.  I don't have to worry about an insulin pump because I don't use one.  Just knowing I can get those two insulins is a huge help.


I see I read that wrong.  Humalog isn't even $50.00!!!!   Dang


We will be retiring to Costa Rica in 2014 and I am a diabetic that had questions.  This site responded to us within two days and answered all my questions and provided me with costs for all the medications I listed.
Cheers .... Terry


Thank you ever so much Terry.  I just sent them an email. 

Hope things are going well.


You are most welcome.  If you get favorable news such as I did the prices they quote can be less expensive once you actually look around in Costa Rica.  We used this site as a starting base.  Best of luck!
We are not looking forward to two more cold winters in Alberta, Canada but after that ..... Pura Vida!


To all those who replied, I want to add my own heart felt thanks! I have been trying to get this info since lack of availability of my current insulin meds could have been a show stopper for our consideration of CR. Now at least I know they are available and at reasonable cost. I'd like to hear from some diabetics currently living in CR to find out more about their experiences. I presently am using the pen pre-loaded Novalog syrettes. Are these (or Humalog) available. Does anyone have an insulin pump there and what has been their experience?


I am looking for the lowest cost for the drug Lamictal. and does anyone know if you can buy it OTC.


I've been here now for about 4 months. Lantus is available at about 45000 colones for a vial. Humalog is also available in vials as well as the disposable pens, although you might need to have the pharmacy order it in advance. Novolog is not - at least not the short acting form. I don't know too much about the other meds. By the way I also tried in Nicaragua and Lantus is about the same price. They did not have either of the others.


My father takes Lamictal. I think I have bought it for him over the counter here--we live in Grecia, too. But usually he gets his meds for several months at a time after a hospital stay. (That way, the insurance pays for everything, no co-pay.) Do not recall the price, but in Grecia, Fischel (a big chain with a location near the church) has the best prices.

I try to buy all meds at the chain in Alajuela called Santa Lucia, however. They offer the best prices I´ve found in CR. There are a number of locations, 1 on the road up from the Court House in Alajuela towards the Automercado supermarket, another near the Alajuela Parque Central. A total of 6 in & around Alajuela City.

Hope this helps a little! Sorry I don´t know more.

La Mariposa


Does anyone know how or where to get a "reasonable" price for the drug...."Forteo" ?????

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