
5 good reasons for living in Moldova

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if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Moldova, what would be your top 5?

Thanks in advance for participating,


See also

Living in Moldova: the expat guideNew members of the Moldova forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Enquiries on Moldova Invitation LetterInvitation for evisaRetiring in Moldova

Living in Moldova is quite cheap ( Life level)- food, restaurants, comunals, transport. Only products that are imported are quite expensive for example - clothes. I consider that if u have a good work there or u are rich, your life in Moldova can be very good, but generally the level of life is very poor and low.


1.Definitely cheap property taxes. 2. Nice girls. 3. Nice girls. 4. Nice girls. 5. Did I say nice girls?:)


This is the Reasons because i live in Moldova

a) I think Moldova is little Country but here is not vary much population
2) This country is so clean and atmospheric is good for health.
3) Here is so beautiful girl in world.
4} Here is living cost is low.
5) Here is man and women are peacefuller. So I like Moldova. When I finished my study I want to start business.


i want to come n live there.can u tell me the visa procedure?


Rahuljoy wrote:

i want to come n live there.can u tell me the visa procedure?


Please start a new topic or find an appropriate one to ask your question.

Romaniac Experts Team


I would like make small Bussniess in Chisnau,how is living and Bussniess Procedure there,can somebody give me information about it,ı can do with one partner too,who has capital
Metin from Turkey


Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
Reason : Off-topic. This thread does not suit your search
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Rahuljoy wrote:

Your post is both  :offtopic: and unlikely to get a response from the member (brother) you are referring to, as he hasn't been online here in years.

If you have an urgent matter to discuss regarding Moldova with someone, I invite you to start a new topic.

Romaniac Experts Team