
International Scool in tripoli offers IB program?

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Hello, I'am new here, my husband is currently working in Libya and we are considering moving to Libya next year. We have 2 kids ages 13 and 16. One of my children is currenlty enroll in the IB program ( International Baccalaureate program)here, where we live, I have searched the school website (ITS)in tripoli and they have the IB curriculm, however, this school is not listed under the IB worldwide cumminities school. Can anyone help me with this?

thanks in advance

PS. my kids primary language is English!!

See also

Living in Libya: the expat guideIB DeplomaTripoli International SchoolStudying at university Tripolilearning arabic language

International School of Tripoli is not yet approved by the IB. The application has been in process for a while, they are expected to visit the school in March and make their final decision.

If everything is okay, the IB program will be started from the next academic year for grade 12.

If IB committee refuses to allow the school to start the program then it would be delayed by another year and will be offered to the next incoming grade 12 class.

Hope it helps.


Language of instruction here is English. All teachers are generally from UK/Australia/New Zealand.


The IB for grade 12?? It's a two year programme, it also has to be for grade 11. Anyway, will the school stop offering A levels when they adopt the IB program? I hope they don't.


Grade 12 and 13 will do the IB instead of the A levels. The school will drop the A levels if and when the IB is adopted.

There was an info session held in the school a couple of months ago on this. They reckon any kids not making C+ average (if i remember correctly) in the current system will have to look at other options (in other schools) when the IB system gets started as they are unlikely to succeed in IB.

Valerie L

Hi Siddiqui, Hi all,

Do you have any idea if the IB will open for September 2010?

I would have loved an answer on the forum, else i suppose i will have to phone the school directly ;)


It all depends upon the school getting the approval from IB to offer the program. It should be confirmed around March from what I know.

As of now the plan is to start IB from the next school year in September.

I personally think it would be a cluster F***.

My son tells me that a few of the kids are thinking about returning to home countries to avoid the IB.

Any other parents on the forum who can shed light on this??



hi again. Its nearly May. Has the school become an IB school? If so is it only going to be IB? thanks a lot.


Last march we visited  the school , because we are also interested for the IB, and they said that they will start the IB from this school year 2010-11.
They are very kind and if you contact them directly they will give you all informations needed.


International School is now certifed and approved to start IB classes from the new school year in September.


If by International School in Triploi, you mean 'Gems School' in Saraj which is the best school for foreigners (As I've heard)then there is a second option if you're looking for an option to do A'levels, O'levels or ILC's, they are available for students who study at ISM, or register to have their exams without having to enroll with the school. So, you can have your children study at 'Gems School' and still have A'levels.

ISM - In Gergarish.


Just a question: When does the Gems International school tripoli start? What exact date in September? Does anybody know?

Horizontal Harry

14th September


ISM (International School of the Martyrs) is an ideal school for expat kids to study in. They have the Irish Cirriculum there and even in Grade 12 the student have t undergo exams that arrive from the boards in Ireland.


So sad reading this. War changed everything. I could have done IB in my own hometown instead of travelling to another country to enrol in an IB school.



Hello and welcome !

Please note that you are participating to an old thread of 2009.



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