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Who's ruling the world and kicking a$$ today: America, Britain, or Netherlands?
Now if you want your kids to exhibit advanced mastery of the uber-sophisticated art of tea-making, then that's another story.
British School in my opinion ... though it's only upto Year 8 I think .... there is also an age difference of one year in the British & American curriculums .. e.g. Year 1 = 5 years in the British system & 6 years in the American system. The International School (Gems) is slightly less expensive than the British & American schools.
ISM would be my pick!!!
Hello Nada,
Despite the US's military and economic power, their school system is in terrible disarray, and could hardly be considered leading in the world. In fact in Canada the US educational level (in general, not talking specifics here), is somewhat of a joke. Just for that, not knowing anything in particular about the American school here in Tripoli, I would not recommend to anyone to send their kids there, over and above the fact that it's much more expensive than probably any other school here. As for the British curriculum, it's very widely used here and you'll find many schools teaching it, with great variations in teaching quality (teacher qualifications, administrative organization, etc.), so you have to contact each school directly, speak to administrators about specifics and at your earlyest convenience go and actually see the school, talk to the teachers and parents whose kids attend the school to reach a truly informed decision. As for the Deutsche Schule, I can't tell you much at all. Finally, the ISM (International School of Martyrs), suggested by FireFox, uses the Irish curriculum. There are other schools that use the same pseudonym (ISM), but aren't up to par with the Irish one. Good luck finding the most suitable school for your kids.
It is pointless seeking advice from Locals about International schools as they have no experience of them, they aren't allowed in them.
From experience I can tell you that ISM is a dreadful school. My kids were there for a year, that was enough. A years education down the pan.
WTF you put your kids in the wrong ISM for sure, ISM is the best you can get in terms of fees, teachers, multicultural, and the size of the school with playgrounds for the kids, not to forget the highschool gym, recreation halls, soccer pitches.
Waha is right... you have to check the schools out yourself ... My husband and I went to Tripoli College, ISM and I.S.T. (Gems school) and we decided on IST even though it's a bit more expensive than ISM ... I feel it's worth it... & I like their bus service too ... it's very convenient and reliable... & they have a 'smoke-free' campus.
The British School had also been recommended by many friends but the fees are quite high.
thanks alot for your reply, i will check and send to see vacancies .
Flasher wrote:they aren't allowed in them.
I didn't know that
MoEl wrote:Flasher wrote:they aren't allowed in them.
I didn't know that
Libyans are only accepted into GEMS IST. I heard that the American School tried to apply for the permit to accept Libyans, but was not successful.
My daughter goes to GEMS. I heard there were many issues in the previous years before we arrived, but with the change in principals, seems to have improved. I have no complaints, my daughter loves it. Good facilities - gym, indoor swimming pool. Though she says the computers in the ICT lab are sometimes not working....
Hi NADA30! Could you please avoid using your caps lock on the forum. Thank you.
MoEl wrote:Flasher wrote:they aren't allowed in them.
I didn't know that
It's not the schools, it's the Libyan law...!
Flasher wrote:MoEl wrote:Flasher wrote:they aren't allowed in them.
I didn't know that
It's not the schools, it's the Libyan law...!
This was also the case in Saudi Arabia until very recently. But the law there was changed and the "international schools" were opened up to Saudis. I'm not sure about the exact reason though, possibly it was because of a problem with overcrowding in the Saudi schools.
I think there's a good chance that sometime in the future the international schools here will be opened up to Libyans also. Not because of overcrowding but because schools here (both public and private) are in such bad shape. Basically the point (in my opinion) is to give the upper 20% of Libya's population a better alternative to what's available.
Flasher wrote:MoEl wrote:Flasher wrote:they aren't allowed in them.
I didn't know that
It's not the schools, it's the Libyan law...!
Them wretched Americans always be trying to corrupt our pure, beautiful, innocent young with their depravity and decadence
(followed by a 60 minute ramble on how the Great Satan is now going broke and is going to hell)
MoEl wrote:(followed by a 60 minute ramble on how the Great Satan is now going broke and is going to hell)
Thought is was all group hugs these days, with Obama being of African descent and all that?
hmmm but of course I forgot, Libya isn't part of Africa...or Africa isn't part of Libya?
Sandman6 i dont see anything funny in what you said beside we are here to give information not for something els
As I know, American school fees are very high (over 18kEUR), British School also expensive (over 7KEUR), ISM (over 5kEUR), GEMS over (6KEUR). All these without additional costs and starting fees.
German school do not accept non-German nationals, only if at least one grandparent is a German is acceptable. Fee is about 10KEUR.
My opinion is that American and British school are very expensive and pupils are mostly from parents working in good companies which covers schooling. Or they pay themselves if have 1 child. Anyway it is silly to pay that amount of money, especially for KG or primary school and very doubtful knowledge from their teachers.
There are schools which provide even better knowledge for smaller amount of money: Russian, Greek, Philippine, Italian, Pakistani, etc. My daughter is attending one of these for monthly fee which is less than 100LYD.
By information's I have from other parents, the best education child may get here is in Russian school, because their system and very good teachers.
vozdovac wrote:There are schools which provide better knowledge for smaller amount of money: Russian, Greek, Philippine, Italian, Pakistani, etc.
I wonder what colleges will accept these kids
MoEl wrote:vozdovac wrote:There are schools which provide better knowledge for smaller amount of money: Russian, Greek, Philippine, Italian, Pakistani, etc.
I wonder what colleges will accept these kids
@Moel, You seriously need to think again. Did you know that apart from the US there are other countries which possess nuclear weapons? Stop living in a bubble, those schools as vozdovac mentioned are perfectly alright for education and you know what their high school diplomas are well accepted in almost every college\university in the world.
Stop trying to increase your posts on this website with a clear lack of knowledge. By the way were you by any chance expelled from school?
I just want to say that there are another schools available for parents/children which are not bonded with English speaking educational system. All of them may provide kids with decent knowledge if not better than other too-priced ones.
Also, I see as a parent that any language learned in these schools is a plus to your child education and cultural progress. Especially today, when everybody speaks English and is a real benefit to speak few languages. I speak 4.
MoEl wrote:vozdovac wrote:There are schools which provide better knowledge for smaller amount of money: Russian, Greek, Philippine, Italian, Pakistani, etc.
I wonder what colleges will accept these kids
I agree with you ... very difficult for most children studying in these schools to clear IELTS or TOEFL (probably a selected few might)... their choice for colleges/ universities will be limited due to this.
expatlibya wrote:MoEl wrote:vozdovac wrote:There are schools which provide better knowledge for smaller amount of money: Russian, Greek, Philippine, Italian, Pakistani, etc.
I wonder what colleges will accept these kids
I agree with you ... very difficult for most children studying in these schools to clear IELTS or TOEFL (probably a selected few might)... their choice for colleges/ universities will be limited due to this.
Did you happen to know that in these schools the education is all in English? How would they not clear TOEFL or IELTS if they've studied around 11-12 yrs in English??? and plus TOEFL & IELTS is no rocket science!
FireFox wrote:Did you happen to know that in these schools the education is all in English? How would they not clear TOEFL or IELTS if they've studied around 11-12 yrs in English??? and plus TOEFL & IELTS is no rocket science!
Do they teach grammar and punctuation ?
You say that the teachers at the expensive British and American schools here have "doubtful knowledge". Why do you say this?
It's really lucky that your daughter is getting "better knowledge" from a school which charges fees of around 50Euros! Just imagine spending ten or twenty times more, and only getting "doubtful knowledge"! Instead of "better knowledge". For 50 Euros...
KoK, why are you judging schools here by their tuition fees. Go check out them schools, meet the teachers there and you'll understand the difference.
Mudman wrote:FireFox wrote:Did you happen to know that in these schools the education is all in English? How would they not clear TOEFL or IELTS if they've studied around 11-12 yrs in English??? and plus TOEFL & IELTS is no rocket science!
Do they teach grammar and punctuation ?
dey learn em good in east karachi
FireFox wrote:Sandman6 wrote:Mudman wrote:
Do they teach grammar and punctuation ?
dey learn em good in east karachi
''east karachi''??? Where did that come from? A couple of psychopaths on the loose again.
Tell the boys and girls where you're REALLY from. It ain't Brazil now, is it?
Actually "Firefox", I wasn't the one judging schools on their tuition fees.
See vozdovac's earlier post for an example of this.
just to let you know, we deleted several messages here.
Someone who should definitely calm down here
@KingOfKludge, Sandman6, Mudman.
I really don't see the reason of expressing your frustrations here. These should be taken as a help to people living here, not for spitting someone in the face because he has another opinion and suggestion.
Are you people speaking any other languages?
The school my child is attending is government supported (non profit) with all teachers from home country. That is not the case with all the other high-priced schools I mentioned before. If you have some common sense, you may easily conclude why the prices are lower and knowledge provided even better. They teach also English and Arabic in school.
For instance, I have many colleagues, Libyan "engineers" which have Masters degrees from UK universities (Newcastle, Manchester, etc), but unfortunately, are not very smart in real life. How that may be if they speak English very well? That is main accomplishment they reach in life? Top of the mountain, man! Congratulations! You fulfilled your life goal!
Also, I may understand frustration if the English is the only language someone speaks.
Now days it is impossible not to learn English well. If you want the kid to follow English system later in UK or US, Canada, give it to English school. If not, other schools are good to gain the same level of knowledge and also may learn few more languages, including English.
My opinion is that every language learned is like one faculty completed.
vozdovac wrote:@KingOfKludge, Sandman6, Mudman.
I really don't see the reason of expressing your frustrations here.
It's called flaming the attention-seeker
vozdovac wrote:@expatlibya
Now days it is impossible not to learn English well.
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
If you want the kid to follow English system later in UK or US, Canada, give it to English school. If not, other schools are good to gain the same level of knowledge and also may learn few more languages, including English.
I agree, that's why I said their choice for colleges/ universities will be limited.
My opinion is that every language learner is like one faculty completed. Also, I may understand frustration if the English is the only language someone speaks.
Again, I agree that it's definitely an advantage to be a linguist. I would also like to inform you that English medium/ International schools do teach a second and third language. In Libya they teach French and Arabic, and if the parents have a different native language e.g. Italian, the children are learning four languages. I don't see any reason for frustration.
Parents have different priorities while selecting an educational system for their children and the person who intially started this discussion wanted to get an opinion about the British, American and Deutsch schools in Libya. I hope she has got all the information she needs.
You see I really don't understand why my comments were deleted here, I never insulted anyone? Why doesn't the admin remove Sandman's posts from here especially the off topic ones? The administrators need to be fair and see everyone's posts rather than being biased.
@vozdova, ohh trust me I've seen how they keep disregarding other people's opinions/posts here. It is totally unacceptable and you'll see sooner or later I'll be banned from this site again. Why??? because I had a different opinion or view on subjects on this blog.
I am saying that English language is available much more than before through TV, internet, music, etc and is easy to learn it.
I don't understand you. Do you really think they will not be able to go in English speaking colleges/universities? Limitations for what?
I put that frustration sentence not for you than for people above you. Sorry.
I just wanted to say there are other schools in Tripoli, especially if she is paying herself and not sponsored by company.
To add that I have visited American, Irish and British school and I know even few teachers from British school. I am sure even now that my decision was the right one.
And please do not mix German (Deutsch) and English.
And please do not mix German (Deutsch) and English.
Why do you think I'm mixing them? I just mentioned that it was a part of the initial query. I haven't given any information about the Deutsch (German) school because I don't have any and therefore can't recommend or criticize it.
... and thanks for clarifying the 'frustration' statement . Have a nice day.
vozdovac wrote:@expatlibya
I am saying that English language is available much more than before through TV, internet, music, etc and is easy to learn it.
I don't understand you. Do you really think they will not be able to go in English speaking colleges/universities? Limitations for what?
I put that frustration sentence not for you than for people above you. Sorry.
I just wanted to say there are other schools in Tripoli, especially if she is paying herself and not sponsored by company.
To add that I have visited American, Irish and British school and I know even few teachers from British school. I am sure even now that my decision was the right one.
And please do not mix German (Deutsch) and English.
The finest gift you can give to a child is education, to try and scrimp on this is unfair.
Your argument sadly doesn't work, you can learn only the basics from TV, internet or music. One common problem with the English language is that whilst the majority speak it, few actually understand it.
This is a point sadly missed by many. Humour, clever word play, wit and repartee, it's just what we do. You don't understand it then throw a strop. Especially the likes of Firefox. Brazilian my arse.
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