
Hello - New from Europe


Hey everyone,

I'm Quilia from The Netherlands and looking in to moving to Kuwait or Egypt. Before I move, want to get more information about the country and about all my rights as an woman. Like to know more about the expierience from other european/western girl?

What are the things I need to know?
About work, marriage, living as woman in kuwait.

It's not something I want to do right now. I want to make a good decision.

Give me a message if you want to help me.


See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideHow to make friends in KuwaitLocating someone from KuwaitLatinos en Kuwait? Spanish speakers in kuwaitMeet and fun

Hello Quilia.

Welcome to! :)

Hope you will soon get some feedbacks.

Thank you,


What upppp! Q!
Ms Quilia
You can have fun here in Kuwait but you have to be a open minded person. Being from the Netherlands I believe your people are pretty open in caracture.  But here they are a little different. They don't wear short skirts or shorts are show there open arms as much and back like tank T's. I say just observe when you first come. But make sure the job you choose is the job you get. And they have a habbit of trying to hold or keep your pass port just ask them to give it back as soon as they process Tou visa. But there are groups you can join and has a group of multi cultural people from all over that do events. But we all are here to make that as we say in America.  Bread! Hahaha. But I wouldn't go to Egypt just yet but Dubai or Oman, Doha is really laid back. So take your time and I'm here just as everyone else to help you out if need ok. So Peace in the Middle East. ;).


Welcome to!


Thank you all. :)

@Marquis7 All depends where my man will go. If I can I would follow him.
Also I planning a trip to stay for a week before I decided to go live there,


I would love to hear from woman living here. Who followed their (moslim) husband.

I really appriciate this. Because want to learn and understand all.


Quilia wrote:

I would love to hear from woman living here. Who followed their (moslim) husband.

I really appriciate this. Because want to learn and understand all.

correcting you the word is MUSLIM.


Oh sorry. Here in dutch the word is moslim.
But english yes muslim. Thank you for correcting me. :)


Quilia wrote:

Oh sorry. Here in dutch the word is moslim.
But english yes muslim. Thank you for correcting me. :)

No Problem  i also did not knew about the dutch.

got some new info from your end :-)



Heey i just came back from the Netherlands i was in Utrecht for a few months , awesome country ! Welcome to the blog ...


It looks like  august 26 I'll come to visit for 1 week to see the country. :)


Quilia wrote:

It looks like  august 26 I'll come to visit for 1 week to see the country. :)

hmmm great hope you have a pleasant stay


Just booked... 29 august I am comming... crazyyyyy


Quilia wrote:

Just booked... 29 august I am comming... crazyyyyy

i am here to welcome you:-)


Sooo i've been on a short visit. Really enjoyed my stay.

Next time i will be comming end octobre. Would be nice to meet some other western ladies to make friends.



Hi Quilia, and you are welcome to visit kuwait city.
the people here and really friendly and honest very peaceful country.
and if you like to meet Muslim ladies I can let you meet my mother and sisters to know the habit and nature life for them, and many anther ladies. they are socialize people, I am sure you will like them.
about the chances of work there is many chances here in kuwait for work but you should bring medical report authenticated from kuwait embassy in holland, and bring your certificate also, be sure there is visa from the company.
any way if you need my help for further information, I will be answer your questions.


Welcome to've just viewed in kuwait forum..i hope you've got the information you would like to know about kuwait...


Yes i got the information. But still learning more and more.

I will return again to kuwait in oktobre 20th



Hi Quilia,

Your topic is very familiar with my story! I'm from Holland as well, traveled after my husband.

I'm in Kuwait since half October 2012, so how did you experience the last half year over here?
Do you work?  I'm working at the moment in Salwa.

And do you go to the Dutch Embassy gatherings? I went once, really liked it!

It would be nice to stay in touch.

Ik heb maar in het Engels geschreven, weet niet of het toegestaan is in het Nederlands. ;-)

Groetjes Nadia


Hey just try to be as open minded as possible. Arabs have been known to stare so try not to let that annoy you (;  you will see the style of dress here where they are mostly covered. The Arab men can be aggressive but you must be firm with them when you are out and about by your self. And they have many Resturants so food is not a problem. No alcohol but Dubai is only 1 hour away thank God! Hahaha
But you will have new friends like us around. 
So welcome.