
need job for pharmacist

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hello evy 1
iam pharm-d graduate iam moving to denmark can any 1 guide me how z pharmacist jobs in denmark? and whats average sallary of pharmacist.?/ how to get job in coupenhagon as i ll b new there dont know how to apply and how to get job there and what kind of job oppertunities there in coupenhagon kindly tell me in detail.thanx a lot

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Hello saima38, hope that you'll soon be enlightened.;)

In the meantime, I invite you to post an advert in the section Jobs in Copenhagen, it may help.:)




As a general rule it is very tough for foreigners to find work in Denmark as you would require Danish language skills.

In the few fields which it is a bit easier is in IT and Nursing homes to care for the elderly people, but this can be a tough job.

The Danish employment site is good for job searched, but I recommend you type in English keywords in order to try to locate any English speaking jobs - but I very much doubt you can work as a pharmist in Denmark unless you speak fluent Danish.


You should search on internet, You must get a job.


kindly tell me about pharmacist job in denmark. can pharmacist outside denmark get job here ?

Nellie Berg

Hi Khalil

I have sent you a pm.


Hello every one ,i am graduate from bachelor of pharmacy.may i know that the bachelor of pharmacy is needful for denmark?


hi there. Did you manage to get a job as a pharmacist??? coul'd you tell me about pharmacists in Denmark?? what have you learned?? how do you apply for a job??and what is required ?? what does a pharmacist do??I think that maybe is different from our home countries. is the health ministry diploma enough or you need something else to??
thank you

Nellie Berg

Have a look here:

Sorry to tell you, but as you will understand, it will be very difficult (:impossible) for you to become a pharmacist in Denmark.


I have already done this, and i have the papers from the health ministry in my hand, so i can work if someone will hire me and maybe send me to danish school so i can learn the language.

Nellie Berg

You already are in Denmark, and your exam entitles you to work within your profession. Good, but you still miss the language, I understand.

I wouldn't believe it realistic that an employer will hire you before you can meet the language criteria as there are quite a lot of enemployed pharmacists and the number is increasing.

I quote from the guidelines:
Executive order no. 1215 of 7 December 2005 on pharmacies and pharmacy staff provides that pharmacy staff must carefully and conscientiously process and examine prescriptions and other medicine order forms and dispense, sell and provide information about medicinal products. This implies that members of pharmacy staff must be sufficiently skilled in Danish in order to communicate reasonably with the pharmacy customers, medical staff and authorities, etc. The responsibility that the members of pharmacy staff meet the provisions of the above-mentioned executive order lies with the hiring pharmacist.

I would suggest that you have a talk with the three pharmacies in Vejle where you live and enquire about your chances. Perhaps they can help you a little bit further.

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