Wedding venue in Venezuela

Hello. I'm looking for somewhere to get married in Venezuela but have found very little info online. No specific region, just somewhere beautiful. Church, park, beach doesn't matter. It will be very small so size doesn't matter. Time of year doesn't matter either, if i find that special place we can make the date work. Any ideas or websites i can visit would be greatly appreciated! My fiance is from there, but is busy starting a new business down there now. I'll be joining him soon, but would like to be able to look from home now.

I highly recommend you: Los Roques (beach), Margarita Island (beach), Merida (a state with a really high mountain).

That would my choice.


Thanks so much for your suggestions, I'm looking them up online now. I'm excited to see the average temp in Merida is in the mid 70's! Perfect!