
Hi , I am moving to cambridge shortly. Needed advice on baby is 1.5 yrs old. I understand that state run nursery/ pre schools exist and are good . I also gather that these are free. Are expats allowed to avail this facility.?

Hello iShiva123.

Welcome to!

Hope you will soon be advised.


Hi I am moving with our children to Northern England in just a few weeks!  My children are dual US/UK citizens.  They are starting at the local primary school in the fall, and we were not asked any questions about their citizenship when we applied.  I am not 100% sure if that is true or not, but just wanted to share my experience.  We started the application on the city council page, I googled Cambridge city council education and came up with this:

From there you should be able to click around and find what you are looking for.  I am not sure for nursery, but for primary school we applied in the fall 2011(I think deadline was 15th January) and we found out our placement in April 2012. 

Hope that helps!

Learning Circle Preschool is the best one!