
Want to move family to Czech Republic

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My family and I are US citizens residing in US.  I work as a contractor in the third world away from home 75% of my time.  I would like to move my family to the Czech Republic to reduce our cost of living and improve my daughter's educational opportunities.  I'm having difficulty figuring out what would be involved because my income is independent.  I'm not seeking work, I just want to transplant my family/dependents there, and enjoy a different lifestyle when I am home from work.  Can anyone give me advice on where to start?  Tell me what hurdles lie before me?


See also

Visas for the Czech RepublicLooking for a jobTemporary residence vs Permanent jobTemporary residence x permanent job contractcertified translator

Hello Busby and welcome to!

Hope that you'll soon be enlightened.;)

Do not hesitate to browse through the forum, it may help you.

Good Luck,


Hi it is a bit complicate as u not Eu citizens and if u have not permanent job. Also u did not mentioned ho long u live in Czech (which is a big issue for another applications) as u need follow the law on entry and residence of foreigners from “third countries” (non-Czech, non-EU)
get some info directly from Ministry of the Interior
follow>Third-country nationals


Dear Busby,

If your motive in moving to czech is to save money, I think you will be disappointed. As for educational opportunities for your child, the schools are excellent but the Czech language is not useful outside the country. Many expats send their kids to private, very expensive private schools. Forgive me for saying so but without family ties there, the motive being saving money and educational opportunities, I think CR misses the mark. By the way, airfare can be expensive in/out of Prague.

There is no country cheaper to live in with a quality lifestyle than the USA. From there, it's a matter of what state and city to live in, which in my opinion puts Florida at the top of the list. Orlando is one of my favorites but there are so many places. Airfare is cheap for many cities in Florida.

My 2cents...wish you the best wherever you decide to go...


Articles to help you in your expat project in Czech Republic

All of the Czech Republic's guide articles