
anyone else in salvador or environs?

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The Golden Papaya

Hi! I just moved to salvador (north of the city, in Itapua) about 2 months ago, and was wondering if anyone else is nearby.
It is beautiful here!

See also

Living in Salvador da Bahia: the expat guideexpat meet-up / happy hour in Salvador, Bahia?any periodical meet ups of expats in Salvador?American Expats in Salvador BrazilStatus of my Permanent Residency after divorce

Welcome on Board Ellie! :)

What was your first impressions?? tell us a bit more about the city.? ;)

There are some contacts on the Brazil expat network also.

The Golden Papaya

I've found it to be just a really friendly place, and the natural beauty is impressive.
I haven't ventured into the city much, having 3 little kids and not wanting to sit in traffic. Traffic is definitely a problem, I must say.


Welcome on Ellie !

I just had a look to Wikipedia's page about Salvador:

Salvador is also known as Brazil's capital of happiness due to its easygoing population ...

nice :)

Can you speak Brazilian ?


Hi Elie I live in Jauá, a bus ride away from Itapua and also on the coast. I have been here six years, so a bit more accustomed to the life style I guess. I am at home most times so if you are free at any time please feel free to visit, I will leave you to respond. telephone 3672 1127 or 36722461 or 81634534 ( can text the mobile if you prefer. I am an artist and restorer, although not working out of Brazil, I go back to Europe every year to get some work. Emails are and at
hope that you are well and not finding problems in Itapua. Stuart

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