
International Educational Project " Literature and Film"

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Any educational institution (school/ academy/ university/ language center ) is interested in working and being a part of the International Educational Project “ Literature and Film”?
The project is initiate by School “B P Hasdeu” Iassy, Romania and till now, it has as  international partners schools, academies and universities from Greece, Egypt, Republic Moldavia, and France.
It is going to start at the end of November 2011.
What is your opinion about educational projects and the influence of these in improving the level of people education?
And if you and your school are interested to be a partner, please send me a private message with your email address to send the documents and materials!
Thank you!

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if you are still interested, You can find lots of schools at es or at


i have for years worked on gender and community issues. i would like to move to south sudan and work there


This project was 2 years ago!