Hi everyone,
I'm applying for Vietnam Evisa for the first time, and I'm confused with the name order in which I supposed to put correctly on the form directly from my passport. On the example, they showed that they want me to put my name exactly how the "Machine readable zone" of my passport displays . My full name on my US Passport in order of First-Middle-Last is "Vi Ngoc Yen Nguyen" ("Ngoc Yen" is my middle name). On the form, they asked for Surname and Given Name, so according to my passport i put in:
Surname: Nguyen
Given Name: Vi Ngoc Yen
The Machine readable zone of my passport is something like this for my name: P<USANGUYEN<<VI<<NGOC<<YEN<<<<<<<<<<<
My passport listed my surname is "Nguyen", and given name is "Vi Ngoc Yen"
However, if I put in in the order they want me to do on the example, my full name came out in their format of Last-Middle-First name as "Nguyen Vi Ngoc Yen", but it should be "Nguyen Ngoc Yen Vi". Did I put my name in correctly?
Thank you for everyone's help in advance!