
Can i work in Saudi Arabia if I have Cured Syphilis?

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Can i Work in Saudi Arabia if I had Syphilis last year but already cured with 3 times weekly interval penicilin [2.4million units each] last year July 2023, Current I am non reactive in RPR test as a proof of no current infection but permanently positive to TPHA test due to past infection

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The health system in Saudi ArabiaPregnancy in Saudi ArabiaEmergencies in Saudi ArabiaHealth care for Expats in Saudi ArabiaMedical Sectors in KSA

If you are coming through GAMCA and TPHA/VDRL is positive, then no.  GAMCA will not pass you.


I come through GAMCA...but I asking how I can check the iqama medical results online


@XTang True that’s why they declared me Unfit to Work because of their Guideline, not because I am “medically”unfit  😞 Gamca must update their guidelines when it comes to Syphilis Testing.. because it is 100% Curable


Well GAMCA guidelines are defined by the GCC countries.  So until they update them, you are out of luck unfortunately.


@XTang Yes I think Sadly, I cannot return anymore to KSA, I worked there for 6years, I got symtoms last year while I was in KSA. thats why I decided to go final Exit on June2023 and get tested here in Philippines


@XTang  here in guidelines in Dubai it stated that Syphilis is not included in deportable diseases, is it same as guideline in Saudi Arabia?


Your are comparing different countries and processes.

In the UAE, it is possible to come on a visit visa and then convert it to a work visa.  In Saudi, it is NOT possible to do that.

This means that, for Saudi, you need to do a medical in home country which is GAMCA for most people.  GAMCA guidelines are strict and they won't pass you if you have Syphilis.


@XTang Ok thanks.. I will try that pathway instead.. 👍 Tourist visa.. because everything was Ok only TPha/Vdrl is only problem in my Gamca Medical,, and yet they dont accepting my medical clearance from other physician that I was already cured, Hopefully, Gamca they change it to standard algorithm screening test only like RPR test


Are you asking about Saudi or UAE?

UAE you can take that pathway.

Saudi you cannot as you MUST do medical in home country prior to visa issuance by Saudi Embassy in home country,


I mean Tourist Visa to UAE, , I dont have a chance to return there in Saudi arabia because I need to pass my Gamca Medical here in my country, I cant pass it because they testing confirmatory test already,, instead of screening non treponemal test


Yes for UAE you can follow this approach.



hello, sorry to bother you, but i have sent you a private message about my situation i hope you can read it



Did you manage to enter Saudi?



Did you manage to enter Saudi?

Joerence King Gamboa

My freind has exit re entry visa in KSA he do treatment here in philippines for positive tpha can he re enter in ksa after treatment of syphilis?


@Joerence King Gamboa

Did he apply?

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