Moving to Ecuador
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We, Ron, myself, & my wife Susan Voorheis are planning to move to Ecuador in the near future. We would very much like to be in contact with any & all recent US expats that have made that move to Ecuador. We have many questions about such a move. Thank you...Ron & Susan Voorheis
my wife and I live in cuenca, way too much to cover in email. I would give you my magic jack # if you would like to cover some questions on the phone. A lot of info on this blog is not correct, much written by people not living in country.
Tom,, we are interested in corresponding with you about the many questions we have about moving to Ecuador, tell us how we can do this...Thanks, Ron & Susan Voorheis
If you send me an email. I will respond with my magic jack phone #. and we can talk, Too much volume for email.
My husband and I moved here in April and love it! We had bought property on the coast near Jama, Tasaste in Manabi. We originally only wanted to build our own home and live here, but with friends and family members encouraging us, we decided to develop our 230 acres of beautiful mountainous land overlooking the pacific ocean. My husband did much research and after several years we decided on Ecuador.
If you are interested in chatting please contact either myself or my husband and we would be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
We would love to share our website with you if you are interested and if you are not we would still love to chat with you and answer any and all questions regarding living in Ecuador.
Everyone's tastes in lifestyle are different but it is nice to explore all of your options.
Here is our contact info:
Looking forward to speaking with you!
I'm heading there at end of October I've been interested in Ecuador since I was a kid and finally get my chance to see a blue footed booby!! ha! I am incredibly happy to know I'll be able to see the whole wonderful country. Here is my main question: I want to immerse myself in Spanish right off the bat and have heard cuenca is a good place to do it and has a strong expat community. Does this sound like a good plan? best beautiful city with spanish classes? or is there a place more beautiful and near beach? Also want some pals when I get there - wouldn't anyone? I plan to stay for 2-3 months so lots to know. I love to have cocktails with new pals and looking forward to exploring like a mad woman!! all info very welcome cuz i am sure i want to tlive there after my 15 year old cat says good bye.
Thank yoU!
Also if i'm flying one way stand by, how will that work since it seems they want your passport and proof you're moving on in 90 days upon arrival?
As to buying property from local Ecuadorians............there are two sides to that story. Sometimes it may be difficult to get a clear title, as there may be relatives involved. And we have also noticed that the Ecuadorians tend to use "Gringo Pricing". We have seen property for sale by Ecuadorians that is incredibly high, at least we have found this to be true on the coast, which has recently been in high demand.
However our pricing of lots run $30 to $40 sq. meter for a fully developed lot, with all infrastucture in place, and is the lowest priced on the coast to date, Ecuadorian or other. Just letting you know. Buying from a local is not always the best plan.
And we do live here!!
Hi Rakutuku
For me, Cuenca is a beautiful city and close to the beach if you like the ocean.
Peaceful than Quito or Guayaquil but with a lot of things to do.
Spanish classes?? No problem. I can help you with that... and with the cocktails.
About the one way fly, I don't know. Better check in a travel agency.
Rebuttal Buying from the Locals. If you can communicate or have a descent translator for negociating with the Locals you are actually better off than seeking Gringo Real estate agents. Unfortunately , gringo based realties are far too often speculating and exploiting this avenue already for too long. Just take Vilcabamba for instance. Thanks.
Morning everyone!
Thanks for the info and I think learning spanish in Cuenca might be my first goal for 4-5 weeks and then really move around to see this gorgeous country. I know what Indy is talking about and this is what scares me. We Gringos just ruin places like a plague with our greed and trickery. I live in Boise and "bad" Californians are just killing my town before my very eyes. We have the 5th worst foreclosure rate because of their shoddy workmanship and just building crap all over our gorgeous farmland. I am beyond embarrassed. I'm just poor and have to rethink how/where I live BUT I will be respectful and live by the motto "Just take what you need."
And Vinny - if you aren't one of those "bad" Californians, then I'd love to learn Spanish when I get there.
Starting to get really excited! It's cold this morning and when it gets cold, I get gone!!!!!
The last posts from IndyJones101 and Rakututu are sad but true.
But not all the expats are looking for a "quick extra money no matter who I have to cheat".
There is many that they just want to relax and enjoy his retirement but the fast growing expat community in Cuenca is changing some behaviours and actitudes not only in the "veteran expats" but the locals too.
I have to deal all the time with the misconception: "Oh, he is coming from United States, so he has a lot of money. Let's overcharge him."
Then, you have to be very careful with everything involves renting, repairs, investments....
And Rakututu, I always try to be honest and fair, that's maybe the reason I'm not a millionaire.
I'm with ya there, Brutha!! Ha! A;;ways just barely making it. And, I know. I'm hard on the sheisters. We all need to be. I'd be one that just wants to hang out and have coffee or cocktails and enjoy a good sunset with new friends....
As you can see by the time, I can't sleep. On overload with all i have to get done in a week. Mexico first - rotten timeshare I bought in 2007 cuz of the mojitos they kept plying me with) and then maybe shimmy on down to Ecuador via Nicaragua.
So excited but need /want some "connection" when I get there...
rakututu, I hope you will still post on this blog when you get to Ecuador! I want to come down there just waiting to tie up loose ends here in MN. I am a young 60+ retired single woman. You sound like someone I would like to get to know. I love "adventures" and also like to sit around with new friends and have a nice dinner and cocktails and watch the sun go down. HEAVEN ABSOLUTE HEAVEN.
Ron & Susan,
My wife Kimberly and I reside in Salinas, on the coast. We love it here. If we can share anything about Salinas, Ecuador life (where I have done business for 22 years) or anything else, just let us know. Btw...we are by profession, for the last 28 years apiece...some of those "horrible" real estate folks you keep hearing about. Like anything else in life...there is the good...the bad...and the outright ugly. Do some research...interview lots of folks. Check credentials (Just one example: You'd be surprised how many local "real estate sales experts" do not even own any real estate in Ecuador). In any case, Caveat Emptor going it alone...and Caveat Emptor when selecting a real estate professional.
Hector G. Quintana "HGQ"
I am sorry to be hard on real estate folks and I'll tell you something sad/funny...I am a house fanatic and have restored many in historic Boise, Idaho's north end. Friends all said I should help them and become an agent. I did for 9 years or so and became more and more disillusioned. I worked for Alaska air and then Delta recently and the automatic respect and smiles you get - wow. what a positive uplifting change. I want to be thought of in that way not as a possible thief.
Anyhow, enough of that. I'm coming up on 2 weeks at a timeshare I was forced to buy via mojitos (yet another case of real estate tied to thievery) and then to Ecuador!!! I am ecstatic!! Got my Rosetta Stone so I'll learn minimal Spanish at resort - ha! Then the question - I fly into Quito, want to go to Banos, Cuenca, and then is Salinas or Canoa the better of the beach towns or.....? Also I MUST go to the Galapagos Islands. Got to. Want the real deal but hoping a cheaper way to go.
Thanks for all of your help guys!!
Hey, I partially do understand. I am hard on my industry to the point that I am not always exactly "loved" by my local, regional or national real estate association in the USA. My wife is much more diplomatic and forgiving than I, but our industry could really use a facelift. I get that. I just think that when you begin painting with broad brushstrokes and it becomes "all of these people" or "the entire group`" or...anything like that, you really can unfairly tarnish the good guys, with the label of "bad guys". I also think that people need to be a bit more cynical, guarded and questioning when they get any advice and real estate is no exception. In fact, rather than be an exception, it is of particular importance, since for most folks, any real estate purchase will likely be the most expensive financial transaction of their lives. The damage to going about this process on one's own, without a real estate professional, can often lead to bigger financial heartache. I just posted an example on a separate Ecuador forum, about someone that following local unprofessional advice, likely put themselves a minimum of $100,000 in the hole on a recent real estate purchase. Good luck on your adventures!
Hector G. Quintana
Saw your post. Wow! Two pages worth of questions. Well..I will give it a go. Send the questions to and I will see what I can do about answering as many as I can...and referring to other sources on the rest.
Hector G. Quintana
I want to learn the approximate of moving from Costa RIca to Ecuador. I just tried to fill out a form, but it wants to know exactly the STATE in ECUADOR. How the hell do I know? I haven't been to Ecuador yet. I have no idea where in Ecu I'll go. I simply am trying to learn whether the move is feasible.
This afternoon, I called a mover in CR and asked how much to ship to Massachusetts, USA. He quoted me 2-1/2 times what it cost me to move here TO CR. I'm fed up with Gringo prices. Maybe I'll move to Greece in Europe.
Clearly I'm not in a good mood today. Email me I'll not be as brusque on paper as I'd be on the phone. 506-2446-6724
My wife and are are planning to relocate to ecuador most likly
near the Salinas area. With many questions to be answered, right now the most pressing is can anyone help us with the shipping aspect of our move from southern California.
Any recomendations on reliable shippers and what the costs you belive are fair as well as how much to bring.
It seems most of the advice we have had so far,as what to bring, has said bring everything you can as furniture and appliances can be expensive and hard to find.
The other big question is how to best bring money into the country in particular the larger sums that we will need to purshase a home when we find one.
Any reply and future dialoge will be welcome.
The best way to bring money into the country for a real estate transaction is, well, not to. Set up an Escrow Account with Stewart Title , out of Texas and let them wire funds in as needed. Certain costs, generally amount to about 3% of purchase price do require "funds in hand" and the best option is, unfortunately, cash. International certified checks are not well received (although they can be presented) and it is very difficult to open up a bank account here, without residency or at least proof of property ownership. Catch-22.
Hector G. Quintana
Hello sigivaughn:
If you need help with your moving, email me to
I can contact you with a local mover and then give you and estimate of expenses in Ecuador. Moving belongings to Ecuador is expensive, and it depends in how much items you have, were're you living in the US and what is your final destination.
You will get a free estimate and then, you decide.
About bringing everything, is your decision, if you moving to a city you can find good price furniture but apliances, computers, tv are more expensive here.
Take a look on my article: How to choose the right moving company in expat-blog.
Do you mind if I contact you about some questions pertaining to land? I am very serious about acquiring 5, maybe 10 acres of fertile land and building a self-sustainable dwelling/lifestyle out in Ecuador within a year's time.
I'm sure you could answer a lot of questions I have about land, considering you've purchased 230 acres out there already!
I don't want to bother you so I will wait for the go-ahead
Ron, I am doing the same thing you are planning on doing... I have already spent 3 weeks in Cuenca in order to know that it is the place for us. I will visit again in August of 2012. You will need a local attorney in Ecuador (about $1300) to set you straight on all the paperwork to make you a legal resident. A legal resident gets all the benefits of a citizen but no voting rights... but very wonderful medical care. I am currently selling my home and have 2 of my rental homes on the market. I am thinning out my house by selling or giving away half the contents. I have 5 cars and 2 motorcycles so most of that will have to be sold. I figure this will take me at least a year to do. Follow me on Good luck amigo....
Hello, Ron and Susan,
If you are coming from the US, we will be very happy answear your questions. We moved to Cuenca this past January.
You are welcome to contact me on my personal e-mail at
Hello all I'm looking for a beach house or a lot to build on any where around salinas north to pedernales does anyone have any info ?
I have several options, with one that is particularly attractive, all depending on your criteria. You can contact me at to get to know each other and initiate a dialog.
What area are you moving to? I am moving in September to Quito. Originally from Southern California. I will be looking for other expats to hang out with and share tips/experiences.
I plan on being in Quito Oct to Dec 2012. This is my 2nd visit this year (allowed only 90 days per year) I am going to try and get a residency. Apartments are super inexpensive compared to Florida or California.
If you spend time on Avenue Amazonas near the park El Jido, there are many outdoor coffee shops and many ex-pats. You will enjoy your stay. I did.
This is not really a reply to the previous post, so please forgive my entering it here. I was not clear where to start a new post.
The reason is that I just read my profile and realized it says that I have never posted to the site. I have been registered since 2010, and have posted, except I sent private messages to individuals on the site. I thought my questions were specific and personal. I just think it looks kinda bad that I "have no posts" after having been registered so long.
Be blessed, everyone! Looking forward to being there some time 1n 2012 as an expat.
slowmover wrote:Joeyeggs
I plan on being in Quito Oct to Dec 2012. This is my 2nd visit this year (allowed only 90 days per year) I am going to try and get a residency. Apartments are super inexpensive compared to Florida or California.
If you spend time on Avenue Amazonas near the park El Jido, there are many outdoor coffee shops and many ex-pats. You will enjoy your stay. I did.
Are you sure you are correct about the 90 days per year? I saw another post that suggested you could get an extension of an additional 90 days.
MikeGB wrote:slowmover wrote:Joeyeggs
I plan on being in Quito Oct to Dec 2012. This is my 2nd visit this year (allowed only 90 days per year) I am going to try and get a residency. Apartments are super inexpensive compared to Florida or California.
If you spend time on Avenue Amazonas near the park El Jido, there are many outdoor coffee shops and many ex-pats. You will enjoy your stay. I did.
Are you sure you are correct about the 90 days per year? I saw another post that suggested you could get an extension of an additional 90 days.
I'm pretty sure that within Ecuador tourism visas are now limited to 90 days and not extendible. There are other visas that you might be able to get that are non-immigration based and last longer than 90 days (link at bottom).
All non-immigration visas are class 12 and immigration visas are class 9 in case you are searching through information pages about visas.
Have a quick look at this link, the page has been updated in the last two months:
Ecuador non-immigration visas
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