Rne validity and Account usage


My father has an Rne with a validity of another 3-4 months. He's out of Brazil and it may take more than 3-4 months of time for him to return to Brazil.

But by that time the validity of his Rne will be over so he will probably have to get a Visa to comeback but by then he needs to be able to use my bank account and investment account for some transactions.

Will he be able to do that? If not , what are some solutions for this.


I really don't know if he will be able to use your bank an investment accounts in Brazil if his RNE is expried.  I have heard of people justifying their inability to renew on time.  But I'm unsure of the process, time frame, costs, and most importantly, end results.  So IMHO, the simplest solution would be for him to comeback even for a few days to have his appointment to renew his RNE.  This can only be scheduled within 90 days of the expiration of his RNE.  Then he will have a protocolo good for 90 days and someone can pick up the RNE for him when its ready.

It really depends on the length and type of residency he has. If he has formalized his residence as permanent, then the RNE is simply an ID card.

From personal experience, having been out of the country for an extended period, when I returned, my RNE was over 12 months out of date, and it made no difference in the renewal process. Of course, not having a valid RNE in Brazil has its drawbacks!

@ymartinez Thanks for the reply. i actually meant his bank account and investment. I wrote my account and investments as a typing error


Banks do not normally ask to see a permanent visa once the account has been opened. So long as the account has been active and in use (eg paying bills, receiving deposits and not closed), then he should have no problem to continue to use it. I have several friends in this situation and they have kept their accounts...


Is your father age 60 or older? My recollection is those age 60 or over are exempt from renewing.  Just an FYI.

@Ocean74 - I concur with Peter; it should not affect your father's day-to-day activities with the bank. During the period when my RNE had expired, my access to banking and investments in Brazil was unaffected.


That is still the case, and the new CRNM (RNE) cards issued to anyone who will be over 60 at the normal expiry have a validity of 'INDETERMINADO.'

I have a friend in Brazil who still has the old RNE with an expiry date in the past. Technically, he does not have to renew his RNE; however, this does cause problems as not everyone is aware of this idiosyncrasy. For example, when he attempted to enter into an agreement with Claro, the system would not accept the expired date on his RNE.

@Peter Itamaraca His Stocks account which is with Xp Investments needs an update of documents every few years apparently. He has a date in September where document details as mentioned in account needs to be updated. The issue though is incase they require re-uploading pictures and details of Rne. I don't know whether he could access the account again because by then the Rne validity would be over.

@bepmoht No he's younger than 60.

@Fentium His Stocks account which is with Xp Investments needs an update of documents every few years apparently. He has a date in September where document details as mentioned in account needs to be updated. The issue though is incase they require re-uploading pictures and details of Rne. I don't know whether he could access the account again because by then the Rne validity would be over.

if u have any idea about this information, please update.


So you are not referring to a simple bank account, but an investment or pension portfolio?

I have no experience of that, but it would appear to me the simplest solution would be for him to make a quick trip here NOW, and arrange to renew his CRNM through an experienced immigration attorney, so he could leave again quickly. Of course we have no idea of the basis for his permanent visa, so we cannot advise if he may be able to apply for a new one if he lets the current one expire.

If it is a sizable fund, then this may be a small price to pay compared to a closing of the account, seizing, freezing or repatriation of funds, etc. Plus he will not be able to open another bank account with a permanent visa, so would have nowhere to send the funds within Brazil...


As mentioned by Peter, you have not specified the type of residence he has, which may also require renewal. in which case, i would definitely contact an immigration lawyer!

As mentioned, although most people think the RNE and residency are the same thing, they are not. Of course, you cannot obtain a CRNM (new RNE) unless you are a resident at the time of application. However, depending on the type of residency, it can remain valid after the expiry of a RNE, as long as you have has not stayed out of Brazil for more than two years.

Therefore, for proof of residency, he can obtain a certificate of residency. Any immigration lawyer or visa agency should be able to obtain this for you. You should check the validity period to ensure it covers the period you need. That will prove his residency status. Additionally, I assume the investment company will require photo ID, for which a passport should suffice.

I wish to emphasise that my suggestions are based on certain assumptions in your case, so perhaps contacting an immigration lawyer or visa company would provide you with more clarity on the situation. If you wish to contact the company I have used for many years to obtain work permits and investment visas, I can provide their details.

Worth noting, as I found out during my extended absence from Brazil, even the Federal Police that were contacted were not completely aware of the disconnect between the RNE and the right of residence.