Language schools in Coimbra

Hi all,

I am looking for a Portuguese language school in Coimbra, I am planning to spend a few weeks there in March. I have found one (Caravela), they might have a course available in March but I need to get to a specific level first if I want to join the group.

I might be able to make it by then, but I was hoping to find some other options as well?

Is anybody aware of such schools in Coimbra or surrounding?


@tony359 The only such courses I know of in Coimbra are offered by the University of Coimbra.

The university offers semester-long courses at various levels (including absolute beginner) in the spring and autumn terms and also has highly intensive three-week courses (also including absolute beginner level) two or three times a year.

Here's a link to more info: … ses/index/

Unfortunately it looks like there isn't an intensive three-week course in March.

You also have these options in Coimbra, among others:

Cursos de português para estrangeiros: … rangeiros/

Thank you so much!

I did find the university of Coimbra but those are proper semester-long courses as you found - I wasn't aware of the three weeks ones, too bad they're not available this week.


Escola Superior de Educacao de Coimbra seems to only have semester-long courses but the other two links do mention other options which might suit me. I'll get in touch now.

Here in the UK there are many schools I like calling "tourist schools" where you can opt for a proper course and get the relevant certification or you can just join "mid-year" for as long as you want and learn what you can. They're a bit less informal than a proper school but it's a great way to

  1. Learn the language
  2. Make new friends

My goal is to spend time in Portugal, explore, see how things are and - hopefully - make some friends and practice Portuguese with them "out of hours" :) (Even though I guess it would be hard to stay away from the "more universal" English!)

I'll update the thread with what I find, for future reference!

Thanks so far!