Looking for Kitchen and Bathroom Renovators

Looking for recommendations for high quality renovations to bathrooms (2) and a kitchen. Job is situated about 60 K's north of Korat (Bua Yai).

    Looking for recommendations for high quality renovations to bathrooms (2) and a kitchen. Job is situated about 60 K's north of Korat (Bua Yai).

The problem with renovation/repairs is finding local tradesmen who are skilled in doing the work.

Lots of sloppy results here ... the voice of experience.

Your best protection is to sit there and watch them work, every minute of every day that they are on your job.

If I were in your position, I would start by going to the customer service counters at the local BIG hardware shops:  Thai Watsadu, Home Pro, and Thai Global House.

They will have the fixtures you'll want, and they may have tradesmen who can do the work.

But take your best Thai friend with you.

Those places sure won't speak any English.