Potential Expat Seeking information on Homosexuality within Mauritius

I am a 26-year-old man from South Africa looking to relocate to Mauritius in 2024. I've been researching Mauritius for a while and I'm happy with what I've found so far. However, I am homosexual and I don't want to move to a place where that lifestyle is outlawed, illegal, or otherwise widely frowned upon. Can anyone provide a little bit of context concerning the homosexual community in Mauritius if such a thing exists? I'm not looking to do anything crazy like start a gay bar (a reference to a previous post I read) or kickstart a pervasive hookup culture in such a seemingly conservative and stable place. I'm merely trying to determine whether I'd be able to make like-minded friends or even start a relationship of sorts living in Mauritius. If anyone could provide any information, I'd be very happy.

I just want to end off by saying I don't know how homosexuality is handled on this forum, I'm new here and merely seeking information before I make a move that leaves me isolated and alone. I can understand if anyone doesn't accept or approve of my lifestyle or that of my counterparts, but I ask that any responses to my question be respectful and devoid of personal criticism or the proliferation of anti-homosexual sentiments. I am a conservative myself and not involved in the LGBTQIA+ community as I've found it to be rife with discrimination against traditional masculinity. If this post is offensive to the community actively participating in discourse on this forum, I shall remove it and cease my potential relocation to your beautiful island. The last thing I want is to make anyone uncomfortable or offend anyone.

Thank you so much for engaging with this post, any information would be much appreciated.

Hello PotentialMauritianExpat,

Welcome on board !

I will not be responding directly to your question, as you already know same sex mariage is not legal in Mauritius. For the rest, people don't care much about your personal life or lifestyle specially if you are an expat.

That said, have you gathered enough information about how to live in Mauritius ? Have you sorted out the visa questions ?

All the best


HI Bhavna!! I am still in the process of sorting out all the information I need. It's a decidedly arduous task haha. Is there a stock process I can follow? Does Mauritius have any Nomad Visa opportunities? I am self-employed and can work from pretty much anywhere with an internet connection

Thank you so much for your response.

The premium visa may be the best option for you if you wish to stay more that 180 days : https://residency.mu/live/mauritius-premium-visa/

You will also find more info in the Living in Mauritius Guide for Expats at page 28