
📰Latest News from Australia📰

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Hello everyone, and I hope you're doing well.

As the title suggests, this thread is dedicated to the latest news in Australia, where you can exchange thoughts and constructive analyses of what's happening in the social, cultural, political, and economic domains.

I would also like to remind you that you can keep up with the latest news through Expat Mag, the magazine for expats.

In this thread, you can share links to articles, videos, documents, or any other relevant source of information that could enrich your future discussions with other forum members.

However, there are a few rules:

On politics:

  • You can debate on topics that affect expatriation (new immigration policy, new types of visas etc...).
  • You can also debate on everyday issues (e.g. debate on a new pension law, discuss new rules for getting a driving licence, exchange on health insurance etc.).
  • Your personal political opinions as well as the promotion of political parties are not allowed.

Regarding sources:

  • Preferably sharing official sources such as press sites and government releases.
  • Links to social networks are not allowed.
  • If the sources are videos, first check the content and the owner of the video before sharing.

I want to emphasize the importance of kindness and respect towards other forum members.

We believe that diversity of perspectives is a strength, and we can all learn from one another. We ask that you participate in this discussion with an open and respectful mind, avoiding offensive comments or personal attacks, including defamatory statements.

I take this opportunity to share with you a part of our General Conditions of Use (you can find it here) :

Defamation, abusive, harassing, threatening, hate, or discriminatory statements, or anti-human rights propaganda, such as homophobic or racist comments.
Any unlawful or inappropriate material or information, including but not limited to violent, nude, partially nude, hateful, pornographic, including child pornographic materials or any other photos which are otherwise unlawful via the service.

We hope that this thread will become a lively and constructive forum for debating the news in Australia.

Your turn now :)

Mickael Team

See also

Living in Australia: the expat guideAge restrictionHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in AustraliaDouble Taxation Treaty Relief FormThe best time to travel to Australia

Thank You for the post. I hope this gets through.

I'd like to kno if there are any manufactured one

story homes for sale in or near either Brisbane or

Townsville. Also are there any 55+ commumunites

in or near thes towns?

Thank You for your timeand effort.They are greatly



Colleen Black


Hello Miami333,

I am sorry but this topic is related to news in Australia.

Have you created an advert in the Housing in Australia section of the website  ? You might get some offers.

Hope someone can guide you.

All the best


Articles to help you in your expat project in Australia

All of Australia's guide articles